| Single valued neutrosophic cross-entropy for multicriteria decision making problems | Ye, Jun[1] | APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING | 268 | |
| Numerical study on thermal behavior of classical or composite Trombe solar walls | Shen, Jibao[1,2]; Lassue, Sté | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS | 114 | |
| 校企合作培养工程应用型人才相关问题研究 | 华小洋[1];王文奎[2];蒋胜永[3] | 《高等工程教育研究》 | 109 | |
| Accurate and Automated Detection of Surface Knots on Sawn Timbers Using YOLO-V5 Model | Fang, Yiming[1,2,3];Guo, Xianx | BIORESOURCES | 69 | |
| Differential Game-Based Strategies for Preventing Malware Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks | Shen, Shigen[1,2];Li, Hongjie[ | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY | 69 | |
| Multicriteria decision-making method using the Dice similarity measure based on the reduct intuitionistic fuzzy sets of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets | Ye, Jun[1] | APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING | 67 | |
| 残余应力对金属疲劳强度的影响 | 张定铨[1] | 《理化检验:物理分册》 | 66 | |
| 汽车防追尾碰撞数学模型研究 | 连晋毅[1];华小洋[1] | 《中国公路学报》 | 53 | |
| Attention-based dynamic user modeling and Deep Collaborative filtering recommendation | Wang, Ruiqin[1,3];Wu, Zongda[2 | EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS | 50 | |
| Web数据库访问技术探析 | 徐雪霖[1] | 《微计算机信息》 | 50 | |
| 基于Vague集相似度量的汽轮机故障诊断的研究 | 叶军[1] | 《中国电机工程学报》 | 41 | |
| A stochastic evolutionary coalition game model of secure and dependable virtual service in Sensor-Cloud | Liu, Jianhua[1];Shen, Shigen[1 | APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING | 38 | |
| Influence of Zn on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Gd-Zr alloy | Lei, Bin[1];Dong, Zhihua[1];Ya | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING | 34 | |
| Oscillatory Particle Swarm Optimizer | Shi, Haiyan[1];Liu, Shilong[2] | APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING | 34 | |
| Numerical study of classical and composite solar walls by TRNSYS | Shen, Jibao[1,2];Lassue, Steph | JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE | 33 | |
| 对大学生综合素质测评的几点思考 | 陶钦科[1] | 《广西青年干部学院学报》 | 33 | |
| Underwater gas pipeline leakage source localization by distributed fiber-optic sensing based on particle swarm optimization tuning of the support vector machine | Huang, Yue[1];Wang, Qiang[1];S | APPLIED OPTICS | 33 | |
| Modeling of material removal based on multi-scale contact in cylindrical polishing | Yao, Weifeng[1];Chu, Qingqing[ | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES | 33 | |
| 基于RSSI的室外无线传感网络自定位算法 | 金卫民[1];神显豪[2] | 《计算机工程》 | 32 | |
| 多层前向神经网络的快速学习算法及其应用 | 叶军[1];张新华[1] | 《控制与决策》 | 31 | |
| 语义web中以描述逻辑为本体语言的推理 | 吴强[1] | 《计算机工程与应用》 | 31 | |
| Linux环境下基于TCP的Socket编程浅析 | 吴佩贤[1] | 《现代电子技术》 | 27 | |
| 教师课堂教学评价主体及运行机制探讨 | 徐晓娟[1];刘琦[1];华小洋[2] | 《高等工程教育研究》 | 27 | |
| 基于装配结构相似的零件三维模型检索方法 | 董雁[1];徐静[1] | 《机械工程学报》 | 25 | |
| Augmented flame image soft sensor for combustion oxygen content prediction | Gao, Shuang[1];Dai, Yun[2];Li, | MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 24 | |
| Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of the Mg-Sm-Gd-Zn-Zr alloy during extrusion | Yuan, Ming[1,2];He, Chao[1];Zh | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T | 24 | |
| Three-User Cooperative NOMA Transmission | Fang, Zhaoxi[1,2];Hu, Jiang[2] | IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS | 23 | |
| 基于XML的元数据体系的数据交换 | 张哲[1] | 《计算机工程与应用》 | 23 | |
| Accelerating the image processing by the optimization strategy for deep learning algorithm DBN | Ying, Changtian[1,2];Huang, Zh | EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING | 23 | |
| 超声波振动器四端网络设计 | 黄德中[1] | 《振动与冲击》 | 23 | |