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共1,434页<< <12345678910> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Risk factors of critical & mortal COVID-19 cases: A systematic literature review and meta-analysisZheng, Zhaohai[1,2];Peng, FangJOURNAL OF INFECTION1,478
Orderly Porous Covalent Organic Frameworks-based Materials: Superior Adsorbents for Pollutants Removal from Aqueous SolutionsLiu, Xiaolu[1,2];Pang, HongweiTHE INNOVATION533
A multicriteria decision-making method using aggregation operators for simplified neutrosophic setsYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS529
Recent advances in metal-organic framework membranes for water treatment: A reviewYu, Shujun[1,2];Pang, Hongwei[SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT525
Two-dimensional semiconducting covalent organic frameworks via condensation at arylmethyl carbon atomsBi, Shuai[1];Yang, Can[2];ZhanNATURE COMMUNICATIONS436
Recent developments of doped g-C3N4 photocatalysts for the degradation of organic pollutantsLiu, Xiaolu[1,2];Ma, Ran[1];ZhCRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY435
Recent advances on preparation and environmental applications of MOF-derived carbons in catalysisHao, Mengjie[1,2];Qiu, Muqing[SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT416
Review of organic and inorganic pollutants removal by biochar and biochar-based compositesLiang, Liping[1];Xi, Fenfen[1]BIOCHAR405
Multicriteria decision-making method using the correlation coefficient under single-valued neutrosophic environmentYe, Jun[1,2]INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL SYSTEMS384
Biochar for the removal of contaminants from soil and water: a reviewQiu, Muqing[1];Liu, Lijie[2];LBIOCHAR341
Applications of water-stable metal-organic frameworks in the removal of water pollutants: A reviewZhang, Shu[1];Wang, Jiaqi[1];ZENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION337
Influence of post-annealing treatment on the structure properties of ZnO filmsFang, Z.B.[1,2]; Yan, Z.J.[1];APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE336
Amorphous Phosphorus/Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Paper for Ultrastable Sodium-Ion BatteriesZhang, Chao[1];Wang, Xi[1,2];LNANO LETTERS335
Comparative analysis of image classification algorithms based on traditional machine learning and deep learningWang, Pin[1];Fan, En[2];Wang, PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS333
Similarity measures between interval neutrosophic sets and their applications in multicriteria decision-makingYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS328
MXenes as emerging nanomaterials in water purification and environmental remediationYu, Shujun[1,2];Tang, Hao[2];ZSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT326
Utilization of CO2 curing to enhance the properties of recycled aggregate and prepared concrete: A reviewLiang, Chaofeng[1,3];Pan, BihaCEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES318
Bismuth oxychloride-based materials for the removal of organic pollutants in wastewaterYao, Ling[1,2];Yang, Hui[2];ChCHEMOSPHERE314
Application of MOFs and COFs for photocatalysis in CO2 reduction, H-2 generation, and environmental treatmentZhang, Yifeng[1];Liu, Hangxi[1ENERGYCHEM309
Enhanced Photoreduction of U(VI) on C3N4 by Cr(VI) and Bisphenol A: ESR, XPS, and EXAFS InvestigationWang, Huihui[1,2,3,4];Guo, HanENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY300
Efficient elimination of organic and inorganic pollutants by biochar and biochar-based materialsHu, Baowei[1];Ai, Yuejie[2];JiBIOCHAR283
Removal of organic compounds by nanoscale zero-valent iron and its compositesLi, Qian[1,2];Chen, Zhongshan[SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT274
Single valued neutrosophic cross-entropy for multicriteria decision making problemsYe, Jun[1]APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING271
Biochar-based materials and their applications in removal of organic contaminants from wastewater: state-of-the-art reviewHuang, Qiang[1,2];Song, ShuangBIOCHAR265
Advances in Sulfidation of Zerovalent Iron for Water DecontaminationLi, Jinxiang[1,2];Zhang, XueyiENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY264
ZSM-5 Zeolite Single Crystals with b-Axis-Aligned Mesoporous Channels as an Efficient Catalyst for Conversion of Bulky Organic MoleculesLiu, Fujian[1,6];Willhammar, TJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY258
Node-surface and node-line fermions from nonsymmorphic lattice symmetriesLiang, Qi-Feng[1];Zhou, Jian[2PHYSICAL REVIEW B243
Sulfated graphene as an efficient solid catalyst for acid-catalyzed liquid reactionsLiu, Fujian[2];Sun, Jing[3];ZhJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY240
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