Associations between parental support for physical activity and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among Chinese school children: A cross-sectional study Liu, Yang[1,2];Zhang, Yajun[3] JOURNAL OF SPORT AND HEALTH SCIENCE 37 糖尿病前期运动疗法研究现状 陈炳霖[1];张宏卫[1];郭佳宝[2]; 《中国运动医学杂志》 15 Effects of short-cut fiber type and water-jet pressure sum on wet strength and dispersibility of wood pulp-based wetlaid/spunlace wipes Zhang, Yinjiang[1];Xu, Yukang[ EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS 11 Bending properties and failure mechanisms of three-dimensional hybrid woven spacer composites with glass and carbon fibers Wang, Liyong[1,2];Liu, Xiaohua TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 10 基于步态分析研究美多芭联合平衡功能训练对帕金森病患者平衡及步行能力的影响 张颖[1];钱辉[1];张亚军[1];蓝美 《中国老年学杂志》 9 Low-to-Moderate-Intensity Resistance Exercise Effectively Improves Arterial Stiffness in Adults: Evidence From Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression Analysis Zhang, Yong[1];Zhang, Ya-Jun[1 FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 6 Superhydrophobic and Breathable Polyacrylonitrile/Silica/Perfluoroalkyl Ethyl Methacrylate Nanofiber Membranes Prepared by Solution Blow Spinning Zhang, Wei[1];Sun, Guangwu[1]; ACS OMEGA 5 Surface nano-engineering of cellulosic textiles for superior biocidal performance and effective bacterial detection Deng, Chao[1,2,3,5];Yu, Zhaoch CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 5 康复治疗学的专业建设与发展研究 吴建红[1];张亚军[1];董梁[1];朱 《绍兴文理学院学报》 4 Formation Mechanism of Fibrous Web in the Solution Blowing Process Sun, Guangwu[1,2,3,4];Wang, Yu ACS OMEGA 2 Investigation of the wet strength and handle properties of wood pulp-based wetlaid/spunlace materials with different moisture contents Zhang, Yinjiang[1,2];Guo, Kang EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS 2 基于表面电极肌电信号研究平衡功能训练对帕金森患者运动控制能力的影响 张颖[1];张亚军[1];钱辉[1];蓝美 《中国现代医生》 2 运动对老年人最大肌肉力量的影响特征研究 周思红[1];张亚军[1];岳文雨[1]; 《南京体育学院学报:自然科学版》 1 静力性拉伸对动脉硬度的急性影响 张亚军[1];汤荣[2];钱永东[3];张 《体育学刊》 1 Long-term Durability Study on Mechanical and Dynamic Mechanical Performance of a High-performance Carbon Fiber-polymer Laminate Zhao, Defang[1];Yu, Lichao[2]; FIBERS AND POLYMERS 1 绍兴市恶性肿瘤流行特征及疾病负担研究 缪艳杰[1]; [1]绍兴文理学院; 1 Hydrophobic modification of mesh spunlace nonwoven for medical dressing contact layer Gu, Jiahua[1];Wang, Huiting[1] JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES 0 以CBX3为靶点治疗骨肉瘤患者的可行性探究 乔帝[1]; [1]绍兴文理学院; 0 Dispersion mechanism and characterization of wood pulp-based wetlaid/spunlace materials Zhang, Yinjiang[1,2];Gu, Jiahu JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS 0 英国运动康复专业教育现状与发展 张亚军[1];周思红[1];宋浩成[1]; 《2015全国体育保健康复学术会议》 0 一次大强度运动对青年人血管弹性的影响 张亚军[1];吴嫔赟[1];岳文雨[1]; 《2017浙江省康复医学会综合年会》 0 Correlates of Exercise Behavior Based on Socio-Ecological Theoretical Model among Chinese Urban Adults: An Empirical Study Zhang, Yong[1];Zhang, Ya-Jun[1 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 0 老年人持续伸膝疲劳时的股四头肌做功特征研究 王艳春[1];张亚军[1];岳文雨[1]; 《体育研究与教育》 0 太极拳练习对老年人认知姿势控制能力的影响研究进展 张亚军[1];高宁[1];张子晗[1];王 《绍兴文理学院学报》 0 Preparation of hydrophobic spray-coated spunlace nonwoven fabrics: Possessing the potential for anti-adhesive medical dressings Gu, Jiahua[1,2];Dai, Xinxin[1, SURFACES AND INTERFACES 0 Associations between parental support for physical activity and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among Chinese school children:A cross-sectional study Yang Liu[1,2];Yajun Zhang[3];S [1]School of Physical Education and Sport Training, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438, China;[2]Shanghai Research Center for Physical Fitness and Health of Children andAdoleseents, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438, China;[3]rSchool of Physical Education, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China;[4]Educational Management Information Center, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100816, China;[5]School of Kinesiology, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200458, China 0 Investigation of three-dimensional microstructural features of wood pulp-based wetlaid materials with/without hydroentanglement Zhang, Yinjiang[1,2];Zhu, Yuqi JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE 0 自发性低颅压合并硬膜下血肿的手术治疗策略研究 洪静杨[1]; [1]绍兴文理学院; 0