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4,906 条 记 录,以下是 1-30

共164页<< <12345678910> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Orderly Porous Covalent Organic Frameworks-based Materials: Superior Adsorbents for Pollutants Removal from Aqueous SolutionsLiu, Xiaolu[1,2];Pang, HongweiTHE INNOVATION527
Recent advances in metal-organic framework membranes for water treatment: A reviewYu, Shujun[1,2];Pang, Hongwei[SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT518
A multicriteria decision-making method using aggregation operators for simplified neutrosophic setsYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS493
Recent advances on preparation and environmental applications of MOF-derived carbons in catalysisHao, Mengjie[1,2];Qiu, Muqing[SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT412
Multicriteria decision-making method using the correlation coefficient under single-valued neutrosophic environmentYe, Jun[1,2]INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL SYSTEMS377
Influence of post-annealing treatment on the structure properties of ZnO filmsFang, Z.B.[1,2]; Yan, Z.J.[1];APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE336
Applications of water-stable metal-organic frameworks in the removal of water pollutants: A reviewZhang, Shu[1];Wang, Jiaqi[1];ZENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION335
Comparative analysis of image classification algorithms based on traditional machine learning and deep learningWang, Pin[1];Fan, En[2];Wang, PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS325
Amorphous Phosphorus/Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Paper for Ultrastable Sodium-Ion BatteriesZhang, Chao[1];Wang, Xi[1,2];LNANO LETTERS324
MXenes as emerging nanomaterials in water purification and environmental remediationYu, Shujun[1,2];Tang, Hao[2];ZSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT322
Bismuth oxychloride-based materials for the removal of organic pollutants in wastewaterYao, Ling[1,2];Yang, Hui[2];ChCHEMOSPHERE313
Similarity measures between interval neutrosophic sets and thEIr applications in multicriteria decision-makingYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS304
Removal of organic compounds by nanoscale zero-valent iron and its compositesLi, Qian[1,2];Chen, Zhongshan[SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT273
Single valued neutrosophic cross-entropy for multicriteria decision making problemsYe, Jun[1]APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING268
Sulfated graphene as an efficient solid catalyst for acid-catalyzed liquid reactionsLiu, Fujian[2];Sun, Jing[3];ZhJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY237
Cobalt-Catalyzed Cyclization of Aliphatic Amides and Terminal Alkynes with Silver-CocatalystZhang, Jitan[1];Chen, Hui[1];LJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY220
Vinylene-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) with Symmetry-Tuned Polarity and Photocatalytic ActivityXu, Junsong[1];Yang, Can[2];BiANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION215
Recent developments of two-dimensional graphene-based composites in visible-light photocatalysis for eliminating persistent organic pollutants from wastewaterZhang, Sai[1,2];Li, Bingfeng[1CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL214
Advances in Sulfidation of Zerovalent Iron for Water DecontaminationLi, Jinxiang[1,2];Zhang, XueyiENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY212
Design and Synthesis of Mesoporous Polymer-Based Solid Acid Catalysts with Excellent Hydrophobicity and Extraordinary Catalytic ActivityLiu, Fujian[1];Kong, Weiping[1ACS CATALYSIS211
Extremely stable amidoxime functionalized covalent organic frameworks for uranium extraction from seawater with high efficiency and selectivityCheng, Gong[1,2];Zhang, Anrui[SCIENCE BULLETIN210
Improved cosine similarity measures of simplified neutrosophic sets for medical diagnosesYe, Jun[1]ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE210
Blended biogeography-based optimization for constrained optimizationMa, Haiping[1];Simon, Dan[2]ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE209
Metal-organic framework nanocrystal-derived hollow porous materials: Synthetic strategies and emerging applicationsLiu, Xiaolu[1,2];Verma, GauravINNOVATION208
Lucas-Washburn Equation-Based Modeling of Capillary-Driven Flow in Porous SystemsCai, Jianchao[1,6];Jin, TingxuLANGMUIR205
The magnetic covalent organic framework as a platform for high-performance extraction of Cr(VI) and bisphenol a from aqueous solutionZhong, Xin[1];Lu, Zhipeng[1];LJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS186
An analysis of the equilibrium of migration models for biogeography-based optimizationMa, Haiping[1]INFORMATION SCIENCES185
Thallium pollution in China and removal technologies for waters: A reviewLiu, Juan[1];Luo, Xuwen[1];SunENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL180
Enhanced removal of nitrate by a novel composite: Nanoscale zero valent iron supported on pillared clayZhang, Yun[2,3];Li, Yimin[1];LCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL175
Enhanced sequestration of selenite in water by nanoscale zero valent iron immobilization on carbon nanotubes by a combined batch, XPS and XAFS investigationSheng, Guodong[1,3,4,5];AlsaedCARBON175
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