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王伟 收藏


王伟,男,工学博士,安徽人,绍兴文理学院教授。主持国家自然科学基金1项、省部级科研项目3项、厅市级项目4项;发表第一作者一级论文30余篇;获授权发明专利6项;入选省高校中青年学科带头人培养对象、省151人才第三层次;获河南省自然科学学术奖二等奖2项。为省首届“五星级青年教师”,“岩土工程”省重点学科的“岩土基本特性”方向学术带头人,南京工业大学兼职研究生导师,4个SCI/EI期刊的审稿人。 ...   详细>>

被引量:1,704H指数:22SCI-EXPANDED: 111 EI: 145 北大核心: 49 CSSCI: 1 CSCD: 40




467 条 记 录,以下是 1-30

题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Investigation on strength and microstructure characteristics of nano-MgO admixed with cemented soft soilYao, Kai[2];Wang, Wei[1];Li, NCONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS107
Effect of nano-MgO on mechanical performance of cement stabilized silty clayYao, Kai[1];An, Dongliang[2];WMARINE GEORESOURCES & GEOTECHNOLOGY53
Characterisation of nano magnesia-cement-reinforced seashore soft soil by direct-shear testWang, Wei[1];Zhang, Chen[1];LiMARINE GEORESOURCES & GEOTECHNOLOGY46
Flexural behavior evaluation and energy dissipation mechanisms of modified iron tailings powder incorporating cement and fibers subjected to freeze-thaw cyclesJiang, Ping[1];Chen, Yewen[1];JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION45
Generalized hyperbolic formula capturing curing period effect on strength and stiffness of cemented clayYao, Kai[1];Li, Na[2];Chen, DaCONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS42
Experimental investigations on the mechanical behavior of iron tailings powder with compound admixture of cement and nano-clayLi, Na[1];Lv, Shaowei[1];Wang,CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS38
Strength properties of nano-MgO and cement stabilized coastal silty clay subjected to sulfuric acid attackWang, Wei[1];Li, Yuan[1];Yao, MARINE GEORESOURCES & GEOTECHNOLOGY33
Finite-Element Analysis of Heat Transfer of Horizontal Ground-Freezing Method in Shield-Driven TunnelingHu, Jun[1];Liu, Yong[2];Wei, HINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS30
Study on the Carbon Emissions in the Whole Construction Process of Prefabricated Floor SlabKong, Aisan[1];Kang, Haibo[2];APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL29
Compression Characteristics and Microscopic Mechanism of Coastal Soil Modified with Cement and Fly AshLi, Na[1];Zhu, Qianying[1];WanMATERIALS26
Probabilistic investigations on the watertightness of jet-grouted ground considering geometric imperfections in diameter and positionPan, Yutao[1];Liu, Yong[1];Hu,CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL26
Predicting the thermal conductivity of unsaturated soils considering wetting behavior: A meso-scale studyHuang, Xian-Wen[1,2];Guo, Jia[INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER25
Primary yielding locus of cement-stabilized marine clay and its applicationsCheng, Qiangqiang[1,2,3,4];XiaMARINE GEORESOURCES & GEOTECHNOLOGY24
Environmental behavior and engineering performance of self-developed silico-aluminophosphate geopolymer binder stabilized lead contaminated soilPu, Shaoyun[1,2];Duan, Wei[3];JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION22
Soil-Rock Slope Stability Analysis by Considering the Nonuniformity of RocksLiu, Shunqing[1];Huang, XianweMATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING21
Vilsmeier-Haack reagent mediated synthetic transformations with an immobilized iridium complex photoredox catalystZhi, Peng[1];Xi, Zi-Wei[1];WanNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY19
Investigation on the Triaxial Mechanical Characteristics of Cement-Treated Subgrade Soil Admixed with Polypropylene FiberWang, Wei[1];Zhang, Chen[1];GuAPPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL19
Experimental Investigations on the Mechanical and Microscopic Behavior of Cement-Treated Clay Modified by Nano-MgO and FibersWang, Wei[1];Kang, Haibo[1];LiINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS18
Mechanical properties and microscopic characterization of cement stabilized calcareous sand modified by nano SiO2Luo, Jiale[1,2];Zhou, Aizhao[3CASE STUDIES IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS18
Strength properties and microscopic mechanism of lime and fly ash modified expandable poly styrene lightweight soil reinforced by polypropylene fiberJiang, Ping[1];Chen, Yewen[1];CASE STUDIES IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS17
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