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  • 收录类型=SCI-EXPANDEDx
  • 人物=陈薇x

18 条 记 录,以下是 1-18

共1页<< <1> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Eu-doped ZnO filmsTan, Yongsheng[1,2];Fang, ZeboJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS57
Secure, Efficient, and Weighted Access Control for Cloud-Assisted Industrial IoTLi, Qi[1];Zhang, Qianqian[1];HIEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL37
Ferromagnetism in Eu-doped ZnO films deposited by radio-frequency magnetic sputteringTan Yong-Sheng[1,2];Fang Ze-BoCHINESE PHYSICS B10
Activity-Dependent Neurorehabilitation Beyond Physical Trainings: "Mental Exercise" Through Mirror Neuron ActivationYuan, Ti-Fei[1];Chen, Wei[2];SCNS & NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS-DRUG TARGETS7
Structure and electrical characterization of amorphous ErSiO films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering on Si (001)Fang, Z. B.[1];Zhu, Y. Y.[2];CAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING7
Left hemiparalexia of Chinese characters: neglect dyslexia or disruption of pathway of visual word form processing?Yi, Wenchao[1];Wu, Ting[2];CheBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION5
Zing-Yang Kuo and behavior epigenesis based on animal experimentsQian, Yanyan[1];Chen, Wei[2,3]PROTEIN & CELL2
Darwinian rebel: The legacy of Loh-Seng Tsai-Chinese animal psychologistWang, Yong[1];Chen, Wei[1];Li,PROTEIN & CELL2
Mirror neuron system activation for conSCIous states assessment: For patients in vegetative and minimally conSCIous statesChen, Wei[1,2,3];Shan, Chun-LeMEDICAL HYPOTHESES2
Soluble expression and purification of high-bioactivity recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 by codon optimisation in Escherichia coliChen, Wei[1,2];Zhang, Caiqian[PROTEIN ENGINEERING DESIGN & SELECTION2
How Sense of Agency and Sense of Ownership can Affect Anxiety: A Study Based on Virtual Hand IllusionZhang Jing[1,2];Chen Wei[3,4];ANALES DE PSICOLOGIA2
Inter-brain neural mechanism and influencing factors underlying different cooperative behaviors: a hyperscanning studyLiu, Qingming[1,2];Cui, HuiminBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION2
The forgotten militant and his enduring mission: Zing-Yang Kuo and his extraordinary years in behavioral neuroembryology (1929-1939)Wang, Yong[1,2];Bao, Chenye[3]JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE NEUROSCIENCES0
Yu-Tao Loo and the development of neuropsychology in ChinaQian, Yanyan[1];Chen, Wei[2];WPROTEIN & CELL0
Si-Ho Tchou: life of a legend from physiology to psychologyChen, Wei[1,2];Chen, Xi[3];WenPROTEIN & CELL0
Relationship between Parenting Style and Peer Relationships during Early Adolescence: The Mediating Role of Parental MentalizingZhou, Hui[1,2];Tian, Chuyao[2]JOURNAL OF GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY0
Imagine a lizard with the goal of making better decisionsChen, Wei[1,2,3];Xu, Huihui[1,ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR0
Looking at nerves, seeing the mind: Yu-Chuan Tsang as a modern Chinese physiological psychologistLi, Shiying[1];Chen, Wei[1];WePROTEIN & CELL0
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