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  • 人物=杜轶君x

75 条 记 录,以下是 1-30

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题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Palladium-Catalyzed Reductive Homocoupling of Aromatic Halides and Oxidation of AlcoholsZeng, Minfeng;Du, Yijun;Shao, JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY83
Palladium catalyzed reductive homocoupling reactions of aromatic halides in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solutionQi, Chenze[1];Sun, Xudong[1];LJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY58
Ethanol-promoted reductive homocoupling reactions of aryl halides catalyzed by palladium on carbon (Pd/C)Shao, Linjun[1];Du, Yijun[2];ZAPPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY36
An efficient and recyclable heterogeneous palladium catalyst utilizing naturally abundant pearl shell wasteZeng, Minfeng[1];Du, Yijun;Qi,GREEN CHEMISTRY30
Palladium nanoparticles stabilized by chitosan/PAAS nanofibers: A highly stable catalyst for Heck reactionDu, Yijun[1];Wei, Sailong[1];TAPPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY25
Influence of ceria promoter on shell-powder-supported Pd catalyst for the complete oxidation of benzeneZuo, Shufeng[1];Du, Yijun[1];LAPPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL23
Visible Light-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Alkynylation of Arenediazonium Salts with Alkynyl Carboxylic Acids: Direct Access to Aryl Alkynes by Organic Photoredox CatalysisYang, Liangfeng[1];Li, HaifengADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS20
Citric acid crosslinked chitosan/poly(ethylene oxide) composite nanofibers fabricated by electrospinning and thermal treatment for controlled drug releaseXing, Guiying[1];Shao, Linjun[CELLULOSE17
Palladium complex embedded crosslinked polystyrene nanofibers as a green and efficient heterogeneous catalyst for coupling reactionsZhang, Benben[1];Ye, Zeyu[1];QJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE13
Comparative study of advanced oxidation for textile wastewaterDu, Yijun[1];Qiu, Muqing[2]DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT11
Equilibrium Acidities and Homolytic Bond Dissociation Enthalpies of the Acidic C-H Bonds in Phosphonates and Related Phosphorus Containing CompoundsQi, Chenze[1];Du, Yijun;Lu, YuJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8
Preparation of a novel solid acid catalyst with Lewis and Bronsted acid sites and its application in acetalizationDu, Yijun[1];Shao, Linjun[1];LTURKISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY7
Encapsulating palladium nanoparticles inside ethylenediamine functionalized and crosslinked chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) nanofibers as an efficient and stable heterogeneous catalyst for coupling reactionsQin, Min[1];Wang, Qingqing[1];JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS7
Polyacrylonitrile fiber mat supported solid acid catalyst for acetalizationShao, Linjun[1];Du, Yijun[1];XMONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE7
Heck reaction catalyzed by a recyclable palladium supported on shell powderShen, Yong-Miao[1];Du, Yi-Jun[APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY6
Correlation of adsorbed and embedded palladium species in chitosan composite nanofibers with their catalytic activities for Suzuki reactionsSu, Baogang[1];Zhang, Qi[1];ShJOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS6
Fabrication of chitosan composite nanofibers for the recovery of precious palladium cations from aqueous solutionZhang, Qi[1];Luo, Yangyang[1];CELLULOSE5
Sulfonated and cross-linked polystyrene ultrafine fibers for the esterification of palmitic acid for biodiesel productionDu, Yijun[1];Shao, Linjun[1];QJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE5
Stabilization of palladium nanoparticles inside chitosan derived N-doped carbon nanofibers for Heck reactionGao, Danning[1];Zhang, Qi[1];LJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE4
One-pot Two-step Reaction for Synthesis of Poly-substituted Pyrano[3,2-c]pyridones and Spiro[indoline-3,4 '-pyrano[3,2-c]pyridine]-2,5 '(6 ' H)-diones in WaterXu, Zhenhang[1];Du, Yijun[1];WJOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY4
Mechanistic study on the Knorr pyrazole synthesis-thioester generation reactionDu, Yijun[2];Xu, Yanyan[1];Qi,TETRAHEDRON LETTERS3
Palladium nanoparticles encapsulated in polyimide nanofibers: An efficient and recyclable catalyst for coupling reactionDu, Yijun[1];Gou, Faliang[1];GAPPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY2
Synthesis of a novel polythiourethane-based acid and its catalytic activityDu, Yijun[1];Li, Chunqing[1];SASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING2
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