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  • 收录类型=EIx
  • 人物=胡国军x

23 条 记 录,以下是 1-23

共1页<< <1> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
An Innovative Sampling Method for Determining the Scale Effect of Rock JointsYong, Rui[1,2];Qin, Ji-Bo[1];HROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING32
Neutrosophic Function with NNs for Analyzing and Expressing Anisotropy Characteristic and Scale Effect of Joint Surface RoughnessYong, Rui[1];Gu, Leiyu[2];Ye, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING11
Active Control for Multinode Unbalanced Vibration of Flexible Spindle Rotor System with Active Magnetic BearingQiao, Xiaoli[1];Hu, Guojun[1]SHOCK AND VIBRATION9
Research on the size effect of roughness on rock uniaxial compressive strength and characteristic strengthHu, Gaojian[1,2,3];Li, Yu[1,2,SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS6
The investigation of unbalanced vibration in flexible motorized spindle-rotor systemQiao, Xiaoli[1];Hu, Guojun[1]MACHINING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY5
Effect of nanoparticles orientation on morphology of polymeric nanocomposite foams: preparation of foamed nanocomposite fibers by supercritical carbon dioxideHu, Guojun[1];Feng, Fang[1]POLYMER-PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS3
Thermal treatment improvement and energy harvesting capability promotion of a rotating piezoelectric aggregated CNT-rEInforced beam-like structure resorting to an auxetic laminaPan, Sihui[1];Feng, Fang[1];HuSTRUCTURES2
A Drawing System for Pole Diagram and Rose Diagram of Rock Mass Structural SurfaceHu, Gaojian[1,2,3]MOBILE INFORMATION SYSTEMS2
Study on the size effect of elastic modulus of rock considering the joint spacingZhao, Tao[1,2,3];Hu, Gaojian[4FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS1
Research and Application of Metal Cold Extrusion Forming Utilising Floating Die and Divided FlowHu, Guojun[1];Feng, Fang[1]DIGITAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1 AND 21
Mechanical Properties of Bulk Nanocrystalline Silver-Using Compression TestsHu, Guojun[1];Hong, Zhiquan[1]NEW MATERIALS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, PTS 1 AND 21
The Influence of the Number of Joints on the Size Effect of Shear Strength and Characteristic StrengthHu, Gaojian[1,2,3];Zhang, JuanMATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING1
Design of Control Circuit for Needle-selected Mechanism of Knitting machinesHu, Guojun[1];Feng, Fang[1];ZhMECHATRONICS AND MATERIALS PROCESSING I, PTS 1-30
Product Design of Master Part Based on PRO/EFeng, F.[1];Hu, G. J.[1];Pan, DIGITAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY II0
PRO/E Based Parametric Design of Spur GearsFeng, Fang[1];Pan, Hui[1];Hu, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, PTS 1-30
Design of Adjustment Devices of the Weaving Density for Computerized Knitting MachinesHu, Guojun[1];Qi, Han[1];Zhao,ADVANCED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, PTS 1-30
Product Design for PRO/E-Based Master PartFang, Fang[1];Hu, Guojun[1];PaADVANCED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, PTS 1-30
Design of fabric pulling mechanism of the computerized knitting machineHu, Guojun[1]; Wei, Peimin[1];Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 20110
Design of Cold Extrusion Die for the Precision GearsHu, G. J.[1];Hong, Z. Q.[1]DIGITAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY II0
Design of Tethered UAV Low Altitude Relay Communication Networking TechnologyLv, Qingmei[1]; Hu, Guojun[1]ACM International Conference Proceeding Series0
Simulation study on the size effect of joint roughness on bulk modulusLiang, Wenxu[1,2];Li, Yu[3];WaFRONTIERS IN MATERIALS0
Study on the size effect of the secant modulus of rocks containing multiple parallel jointsZhang, Jing[1];Guo, Wannian[1]FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS0
Optimum Selection of Mining Plans for Pillars Containing Interlayers Based on Numerical SimulationHu, Gaojian[1,2,3];Yang, TianhMATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING0
已选条目 检索报告 聚类工具

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