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Design of fabric pulling mechanism of the computerized knitting machine  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Design of fabric pulling mechanism of the computerized knitting machine

作者:Hu, Guojun[1]; Wei, Peimin[1]; Zhao, Weiqiang[1]

机构:[1] ShaoXing University, YuanPei College, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, 312000, China

会议论文集:Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2011

会议日期:6 January 2011 through 7 January 2011



外文关键词:Knitting machinery - Rollers (machine components)

外文摘要:The computerized knitting machine is a typical and complex mechatronic product, which involves computers, machinery, electronic, control and other fields. The fabric pulling mechanism is mainly composed of master-vice rollers and baseboards. The method of controlling roller open, closed and the vigor by using stepping motors is proposed in this paper to achieve the accurate positioning and adjusting speed.



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