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32 条 记 录,以下是 1-30

共2页<< <12> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Understanding technological innovation and evolution of energy storage in China: Spatial differentiation of innovations in lithium-ion battery industryWang, Huilong[1];Dai, Jie[2];WJOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE12
Theory and Applications of X Party Material FlowHou, Hanping[1]SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE3
An analysis of Shaoxing textile industry's international competitiveness: the perspective of the export evaluation indexesJiang, Aiqing[1];Zhang, Rong[2ADVANCES IN TEXTILE ENGINEERING1
A comparative study on the labor productivity of provincial textile industry based on DEA in ChinaTao, Hong[1,2]; Dai, Chang-JunJournal of Donghua University (English Edition)0
Sino-Japan energy competition and cooperation in the background of Japana's nuclear crisis in the Russian Far EastWu Jixin[1];Xiao Weige[1]NATURAL RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT II, PTS 1-40
The Research on the Promotion Mechanism of Textile Industry's Energy Saving and Emission Reduction -From the Perspective of Industry RegulationWang, Jin[1];Xiao, Weige[1]NATURAL RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT II, PTS 1-40
Influence of family relationships on family business succession: A conceptual modelWang, Xiaoting[1]; Li, ShengxiInternational Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 20110
Using Hidden Markov model for identifying secure text of public opinion based on maximum entropyJi, Dongya[1]; Zhang, Rui[2]Journal of Computational Information Systems0
Study on the reasons and mechanism of human resources spillover in family enterprisesZhou, Hongyong[1]; Yan, JunzhoProceedings of the International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, ICEE 20100
The quadruplicity decomposed of labor productivity based on DEATao, Hong[1,2]5th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 20090
Pay gap and firm performance based on Chinese culture: Concurrently confirm the applicable objects of tournament theory and behavioral theoryWang, Yong-Le[1]; Li, Mei-Xian2010 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, ICMSE 20100
Analyzing logistics industry association of Zhejiang in China based on extension of input-output tableJi, Dongya[1]Proceedings - 3rd International Symposium on Information Processing, ISIP 20100
Quality analysis of SME websites based on thirdparty platformDong, Demin[1]2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 20100
Rising labor cost and the comparative advantage of Chinese textile industry analysisWang, Jin[1]ADVANCES IN TEXTILE ENGINEERING0
Exploration on web usage mining and its applicationDeMin, D.[1]2009 International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, ISA 20090
Research on security evaluation, intendance and beforehand warning system of Big Hazard Source of danger chemistry productDong, De-Min[1]2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, CSSS 2011 - Proceedings0
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Succession in Chinese family firms: Do the offspring intend to take over the businesses?Xiaoting, Wang[1]; Shengxiao, Proceedings - International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 20090
Research on the Coordination Degree of the Linkage Development between Manufacturing and LogisticsJi, Dongya[1];Zhang, Rui[2]QUANTUM, NANO, MICRO AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES0
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