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  • 人物=李军x

15 条 记 录,以下是 1-15

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题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria are sensitive and not resilient to organic amendment and nitrapyrin disturbances, but ammonia-oxidizing archaea are resistantTao, Rui[1];Li, Jun[1];Hu, BaoGEODERMA27
Mitigating N2O emission by synthetic inhibitors mixed with urea and cattle manure application via inhibiting ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, but not archaea, in a calcareous soilTao, Rui[1];Li, Jun[1];Hu, BaoENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION25
Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) exposure suppressed the community diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizers and mitigated N2O emissions in an alkaline soilTao, Rui[1];Zhang, Hanjie[1];GECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY16
A 2-year study of theimpact of reduced nitrogen application combined with double inhibitors on soil nitrogen transformation and wheat productivity under drip irrigationTao, Rui[1];Li, Jun[1,2];Hu, BJOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE11
Continuous cropping of cut chrysanthemum reduces rhizospheric soil bacterial community diversity and co-occurrence network complexityLi, Jun[1];Cheng, Xiaoyu[1];ChAPPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY11
Nitrapyrin coupled with organic amendment mitigates N2O emissions by inhibiting different ammonia oxidizers in alkaline and acidic soilsTao, Rui[1,2];Zhao, Xiran[1];WAPPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY5
Response and recovery of nosZ abundant and rare subcommunities to organic amendment and nitrification inhibitor disturbances, with implications for N2O emissionsTao, Rui[1];Zhao, Xiran[1];ZhaAPPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY4
Response of abundance, diversity, and network of rhizosphere fungal community to monoculture of cut chrysanthemumDing, Wangying[1];Li, Jun[1];HAPPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY3
Three decades of organic manure and chemical fertilizers co-application enhanced rice productivity through increasing the diversity and key network module of soil bacterial communityZhao, Xiran[1];Li, Jun[1];Hu, JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS3
Abundant rather than rare fungi perform a vital role in maintaining the growth of continuous cropped cut chrysanthemumTao, Rui[1,2];Li, Jun[1];Yu, SEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY2
Assembly and co-occurrence patterns of rhizosphere bacterial communities are closely linked to soil fertility during continuous cropping of cut chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat)Li, Jun[1];Meng, Feng[2];JiangJOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY1
Response of comammox Nitrospira clades A and B communities to long-term fertilization and rhizosphere effects and their relative contribution to nitrification in a subtropical paddy field of ChinaTao, Rui[1]; Ding, Wangying[1]Journal of Environmental Management0
Mitigating N2O emission by synthetic inhibitors mixed with urea and cattle manure application via inhibiting ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, but not archaea, in a calcareous soilTao, Rui[1]; Li, Jun[1]; Hu, BEnvironmental Pollution0
Continuous cropping of cut chrysanthemum reduces rhizospheric soil microbial populations, diversity and network complexityLi, Jun[1]; Cheng, Xiaoyu[1]; ResearchSquare0
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