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杜时贵 收藏


杜时贵,男,1962年6月出生,汉族,浙江东阳人。文化程度博士,教授。1998年2月加入中国致公党。现任绍兴文理学院副院长(列钱水祥之后),致公党浙江省委会副主委。2014年1月13日获得我国地质科学领域最高荣誉——李四光地质科学奖。2015年11月4日获得“何梁何利科学与技术进步奖”。 ...   详细>>

被引量:1,565H指数:19SCI-EXPANDED: 53 EI: 70 北大核心: 26 CSCD: 24




444 条 记 录,以下是 1-30

题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Microstructure of ultra high performance concrete containing lithium slagHe, Zhi-hai[1];Du, Shi-gui[1];JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS149
Scale Effect and Anisotropy Analyzed for Neutrosophic Numbers of Rock Joint Roughness Coefficient Based on Neutrosophic StatisticsChen, Jiqian[1];Ye, Jun[1,2];DSYMMETRY-BASEL136
Expressions of Rock Joint Roughness Coefficient Using Neutrosophic Interval Statistical NumbersChen, Jiqian[1];Ye, Jun[1,2];DSYMMETRY-BASEL127
Determining the maximum sampling interval in rock joint roughness measurements using Fourier seriesYong, Rui[1];Ye, Jun[1];Li, BoINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES113
Creep behavior of concrete containing glass powderHe, Zhi-hai[1];Zhan, Pei-min[1COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING99
Some distances, similarity and entropy measures for interval-valued neutrosophic sets and their relationshipYe, Jun[1];Du, Shigui[2]INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS86
Mechanical properties, drying shrinkage, and creep of concrete containing lithium slagHe, Zhi-hai[1];Li, Long-yuan[2CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS55
Creep analysis of concrete containing rice husk ashHe, Zhi-hai[1,2];Li, Long-yuanCEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES54
Characterization of Joint Roughness Heterogeneity and Its Application in Representative Sample InvestigationsDu, Shi-Gui[1,2];Lin, Hang[3];ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING51
An Analytical Solution for Mechanical Responses Induced by Temperature and Air Pressure in a Lined Rock Cavern for Underground Compressed Air Energy StorageZhou, Shu-Wei[1];Xia, Cai-Chu[ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING49
Estimation of the joint roughness coefficient (JRC) of rock joints by vector similarity measuresYong, Rui[1];Ye, Jun[1];Liang,BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT40
Neutrosophic Functions of the Joint Roughness Coefficient and the Shear Strength: A Case Study from the Pyroclastic Rock Mass in Shaoxing City, ChinaYe, Jun[1];Yong, Rui[1];Liang,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING35
Experimental Technology for the Shear Strength of the Series-Scale Rock Joint ModelHuang, Man[1,2];Hong, Chenjie[ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING33
An Innovative Sampling Method for Determining the Scale Effect of Rock JointsYong, Rui[1,2];Qin, Ji-Bo[1];HROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING32
Simplified solution for viscoelastic-plastic interaction between tunnel support and surrounding rock based on MC and GZZ strength criteriaXu, Chen[1,3];Xia, Caichu[1,2,COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS31
Effect of shrinkage reducing admixture on creep of recycled aggregate concreteHe, Zhi-hai[1,2,3];Hu, Hai-bo[CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS30
Some aggregation operators of neutrosophic Z-numbers and their multicriteria decision making methodDu, Shigui[1,2];Ye, Jun[1,2];YCOMPLEX & INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS29
Modelling Shear Behaviour of Joint Based on Joint Surface Degradation During ShearingGui, Yang[1];Xia, Caichu[1,2];ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING28
A New Method for 3D Modeling of Joint Surface Degradation and Void Space Evolution Under Normal and Shear LoadsGui, Yang[1];Xia, Caichu[1,2];ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING27
A rapid field measurement method for the determination of Joint Roughness Coefficient of large rock joint surfacesYong, Rui[1,2];Fu, Xi[1];HuangKSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING19
Vector Similarity Measures between Refined Simplified Neutrosophic Sets and Their Multiple Attribute Decision-Making MethodChen, Jiqian[1];Ye, Jun[1,2];DSYMMETRY-BASEL17
Expression and Analysis of Joint Roughness Coefficient Using Neutrosophic Number FunctionsYe, Jun[1,2];Chen, Jiqian[1];YINFORMATION16
Hydration and microstructure of concrete containing high volume lithium slagHe, Zhihai[1,2];Chang, Jingyu[MATERIALS EXPRESS13
Modified Limiting Equilibrium Method for Stability Analysis of Stratified Rock SlopesYong, Rui[1];Li, Chang-Dong[2]MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING12
A Dice Similarity Measure for TBM Penetrability Classification in Hard Rock Condition with the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information of Rock Mass PropertiesYong, Rui[1,2];Ye, Jun[3];Du, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING12
Neutrosophic Function with NNs for Analyzing and Expressing Anisotropy Characteristic and Scale Effect of Joint Surface RoughnessYong, Rui[1];Gu, Leiyu[2];Ye, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING11
Nanoindentation Characteristics of Cement Paste and Interfacial Transition Zone in Mortar with Rice Husk AshHe Zhihai[1];Qian Chunxiang[2]JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION11
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