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叶军 收藏


叶军(1959—),男,汉族,浙江上虞人,1997年毕业于波兰科沙林工业大学,获工业自动化与机器人专业理学硕士学位。回国后在绍兴文理学院任教,现为电气与信息工程系教授,硕士生导师。2012年在美国南方理工州立大学(现更名为肯尼索大学)工程学院做访问学者半年。现任绍兴文理学院硕士研究生教学督导,并兼任印度巴拉蒂尔大学(Bharathiar University)博士学位考试团成员。主要从事机电一体化系统设计、决策理论与方法、自动控制、机器人技术与数值分析的教学与研究。目前主要研究方向为中智理论与应用、软计算、模糊决策理论与方法、机器人智能控制、模式识别与故障诊断、医学智能诊断、岩...   详细>>

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288 条 记 录,以下是 1-30

题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
A multicriteria decision-making method using aggregation operators for simplified neutrosophic setsYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS493
Multicriteria decision-making method using the correlation coefficient under single-valued neutrosophic environmentYe, Jun[1,2]INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL SYSTEMS377
Similarity measures between interval neutrosophic sets and their applications in multicriteria decision-makingYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS304
Single valued neutrosophic cross-entropy for multicriteria decision making problemsYe, Jun[1]APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING268
Improved cosine similarity measures of simplified neutrosophic sets for medical diagnosesYe, Jun[1]ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE210
Correlation coefficient of dual hesitant fuzzy sets and its application to multiple attribute decision makingYe, Jun[1]APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING165
Scale Effect and Anisotropy Analyzed for Neutrosophic Numbers of Rock Joint Roughness Coefficient Based on Neutrosophic StatisticsChen, Jiqian[1];Ye, Jun[1,2];DSYMMETRY-BASEL136
Expressions of Rock Joint Roughness Coefficient Using Neutrosophic Interval Statistical NumbersChen, Jiqian[1];Ye, Jun[1,2];DSYMMETRY-BASEL127
Trapezoidal neutrosophic set and its application to multiple attribute decision-makingYe, Jun[1]NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS125
Vector Similarity Measures of Simplified Neutrosophic Sets and Their Application in Multicriteria Decision MakingYe, Jun[1]INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS125
Single-valued neutrosophic similarity measures based on cotangent function and their application in the fault diagnosis of steam turbineYe, Jun[1]SOFT COMPUTING118
Determining the maximum sampling interval in rock joint roughness measurements using Fourier seriesYong, Rui[1];Ye, Jun[1];Li, BoINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES113
Some Single-Valued Neutrosophic Dombi Weighted Aggregation Operators for Multiple Attribute Decision-MakingChen, Jiqian[1];Ye, Jun[1,2]SYMMETRY-BASEL99
An extended TOPSIS method for multiple attribute group decision making based on single valued neutrosophic linguistic numbersYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS98
Single-Valued Neutrosophic Minimum Spanning Tree and Its Clustering MethodYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS97
Multiple-attribute Decision-Making Method under a Single-Valued Neutrosophic Hesitant Fuzzy EnvironmentYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS96
Multi-period medical diagnosis method using a single valued neutrosophic similarity measure based on tangent functionYe, Jun[1];Fu, Jing[2]COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE92
Some distances, similarity and entropy measures for interval-valued neutrosophic sets and their relationshipYe, Jun[1];Du, Shigui[2]INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS86
Improved correlation coefficients of single valued neutrosophic sets and interval neutrosophic sets for multiple attribute decision makingYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS85
Some new entropy measures for interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on distances and their relationships with similarity and inclusion measuresZhang, Qiansheng[1,2];Xing, HoINFORMATION SCIENCES80
Clustering Methods Using Distance-Based Similarity Measures of Single-Valued Neutrosophic SetsYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS75
A novel image thresholding algorithm based on neutrosophic similarity scoreGuo, Yanhui[1];Sengur, AbdulkaMEASUREMENT75
Bidirectional projection method for multiple attribute group decision making with neutrosophic numbersYe, Jun[1]NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS74
Multiple Attribute Group Decision-Making Method Based on Linguistic Neutrosophic NumbersFang, Zebo[1];Ye, Jun[2]SYMMETRY-BASEL74
Some aggregation operators of interval neutrosophic linguistic numbers for multiple attribute decision makingYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS70
Multicriteria decision-making method using the Dice similarity measure based on the reduct intuitionistic fuzzy sets of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy setsYe, Jun[1]APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING67
Multiple attribute group decision-making method with completely unknown weights based on similarity measures under single valued neutrosophic environmentYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS66
A novel object tracking algorithm by fusing color and depth information based on single valued neutrosophic cross-entropyHu, Keli[1];Ye, Jun[1];Fan, EnJOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS62
Similarity measures of intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on cosine function for the decision making of mechanical design schemesYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS62
Multiple attribute decision-making method based on the possibility degree ranking method and ordered weighted aggregation operators of interval neutrosophic numbersYe, Jun[1]JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS57
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