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54 条 记 录,以下是 1-30

题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Resonant behavior of multiple wave solutions to a Hirota bilinear equationGao, Li-Na[1];Zhao, Xue-Ying[1COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS132
Solitary waves with the Madelung fluid description: A generalized derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equationLu, Xing[1,2];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2];YCOMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION127
Envelope bright- and dark-soliton solutions for the Gerdjikov-Ivanov modelLu, Xing[1,2];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2];YNONLINEAR DYNAMICS116
Rational solutions and their interaction solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional modified dispersive water wave equationRen, Bo[1,2];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2,3,4COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS99
Characteristics and interactions of solitary and lump waves of a (2+1)-dimensional coupled nonlinear partial differential equationRen, Bo[1];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2,3,4,5NONLINEAR DYNAMICS89
Complete synchronization induced by disorder in coupled chaotic latticesYao, Chenggui[1,2];Zhao, Qi[3]PHYSICS LETTERS A37
Nonlocal Symmetries and Interaction Solutions for Potential Kadomtsev-Petviashvili EquationRen, Bo[1];Yu, Jun[1];Liu, Xi-COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS17
New Backlund transformations of the (2+1)-dimensional Bogoyavlenskii equation via localization of residual symmetriesLiu, Xi-zhong[1];Yu, Jun[1];LoCOMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS16
Supersymmetric Ito equation: Bosonization and exact solutionsRen, Bo[1];Lin, Ji[2];Yu, Jun[AIP ADVANCES16
Lump Solutions for Two Mixed Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff and Bogoyavlensky-Konopelchenko EquationsRen, Bo[1,2];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2,3,4COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS14
Backlund transformations for the Burgers equation via localization of residual symmetriesLiu Xi-Zhong[1];Yu Jun[1];Ren CHINESE PHYSICS B13
New interaction solutions from residual symmetry reduction and consistent Riccati expansion of the (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq equationLiu, Xi-zhong[1];Yu, Jun[1];LoNONLINEAR DYNAMICS12
New solutions from nonlocal symmetry of the generalized fifth order KdV equationLiu Xi-Zhong[1];Yu Jun[1];Ren CHINESE PHYSICS B11
Investigation on Dynamics of the Extended Duffing-Van der Pol SystemYu, Jun[1];Li, Jieru[2]ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES10
Residual symmetry, CRE integrability and interaction solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional breaking soliton equationLiu, Xi-Zhong[1];Yu, Jun[1];LoPHYSICA SCRIPTA10
A nonlocal Burgers equation in atmospheric dynamical system and its exact solutionsLiu, Xi-Zhong[1];Yu, Jun[1];LoCHINESE PHYSICS B9
A nonlocal variable coefficient modified KdV equation derived from a two-layer fluid system and its exact solutionsLiu, Xi-zhong[1];Yu, Jun[1];LoCOMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS9
Perturbation analysis and comparison of network synchronization methodsHe, Zhiwei[1];Yao, Chenggui[1]PHYSICAL REVIEW E8
Residual symmetry reductions and interaction solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Burgers equationLiu Xi-Zhong[1];Yu Jun[1];Ren CHINESE PHYSICS B8
A nonlocal Boussinesq equation: Multiple-soliton solutions and symmetry analysisLiu, Xi-zhong[1];Yu, Jun[1]CHINESE PHYSICS B8
Non-uniform droplet deposition on femtosecond laser patterned superhydrophobic/superhydrophilic SERS substrates for high-sensitive detectionPang, Jihong[1,2];Yu, Jian[1,3OPTICS EXPRESS7
A nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger equation derived from a two-layer fluid modelLiu, Xi-zhong[1];Yu, Jun[1]NONLINEAR DYNAMICS6
Collective dynamics induced by diversity taken from two-point distribution in globally coupled chaotic oscillatorsYao, Chenggui[1,2];Zhao, Qi[3]NONLINEAR DYNAMICS6
New interaction solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equationLiu Xi-Zhong[1];Yu Jun[1];Ren CHINESE PHYSICS B5
New Backlund transformations of the (2+1)-dimensional Burgers system related to residual symmetryLiu, Xi-zhong[1];Yu, Jun[1];LoEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS5
Exact solutions of supersymmetric Burgers equation with Bosonization procedureRen, Bo[1];Gao, Xiao-Nan[2];YuOPEN MATHEMATICS5
Solitons and symmetry reduction solutions of a nonlocal two-mode Korteweg-de Vries equationLiu, Xi-zhong[1];Yu, Jun[1]MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES4
Interaction of localized waves and dynamic behavior in a (3+1)-dimensional partial differential equationRen, Bo[1];Lin, Ji[2];Yu, Jun[MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B3
Symmetry Reductions, Cte Method and Interaction Solutions for Sharma-Tasso-Olver-Burgers EquationYu, Jun[1];Ren, Bo[2];Wang, WaSYMMETRY-BASEL3
Chaotic motion for the generalized KdV-Burgers equation with external perturbationYu, Jun[1];Li, Jieru[2];Ng, TiPHYSICA SCRIPTA3
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