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Nonlinear transverse vibration of a hyperelastic beam under harmonic axial loading in the subcritical buckling regime  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:23


英文题名:Nonlinear transverse vibration of a hyperelastic beam under harmonic axial loading in the subcritical buckling regime

作者:Wang, Yuanbin[1,2];Zhu, Weidong[2]

机构:[1]ShaoXing Univ, Dept Math, Shaoxing 312000, Zhejiang, Peoples R China;[2]Univ Maryland, Dept Mech Engn, Baltimore, MD 21250 USA






基金:This project was supported by the China Scholarship Council , Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No.LY19A020005) , and National Science Foundation of China (No. 11772100)


外文关键词:Hyperelastic beam; Longitudinal vibration; Nonlinear transverse vibration; Critical buckling load; Harmonic balance method; Amplitude-frequency response

外文摘要:Equations of motion of a hyperelastic beam under time-varying axial loading are derived via the extended Hamilton?s principle in this work, where the transverse vibration is coupled with the longitudinal vibration, and nonlinear vibrations of the beam in the subcritical buckling regime are investigated. Complex nonlinear boundary conditions of the beam are determined under some geometric constraints. The critical buckling load is first determined through linear bifurcation analysis. Effects of material and geometric parameters on the forced longitudinal vibration of the beam are numerically investigated. Steady harmonic shapes of the beam at different times under harmonic axial loading are determined. The beam is in the barreling deformation state even when the axial load is not in excess of the critical buckling load. The governing equation for the nonlinear transverse vibration of the beam is obtained by decoupling its equations of motion. Natural frequencies of the free linearized transverse vibration of the beam are studied. By applying the eigenfunction expansion method, the governing equation for the nonlinear transverse vibration of the beam transforms to a series of strongly nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Two-to-one internal resonance of the beam is studied by the numerical integration method and its phase-plane portraits are obtained. The harmonic balance method and pseudo arclength method are used to determine steady-state periodic solutions of the beam from the strongly nonlinear ODEs, and amplitude-frequency responses of the beam are determined. Effects of the external mean axial load, excitation amplitude, and damping coefficient on the amplitude-frequency response of the beam are numerically investigated. Combined effects of the external excitation amplitude and frequency on response amplitudes are also investigated. Equations of motion of a hyperelastic beam under time-varying axial loading are derived via the extended Hamilton's principle in this work, where the transverse vibration is coupled with the longitudinal vibration, and nonlinear vibrations of the beam in the subcritical buckling regime are investigated. Complex nonlinear boundary conditions of the beam are determined under some geometric constraints. The critical buckling load is first determined through linear bifurcation analysis. Effects of material and geometric parameters on the forced longitudinal vibration of the beam are numerically investigated. Steady harmonic shapes of the beam at different times under harmonic axial loading are determined. The beam is in the barreling deformation state even when the axial load is not in excess of the critical buckling load. The governing equation for the nonlinear transverse vibration of the beam is obtained by decoupling its equations of motion. Natural frequencies of the free linearized transverse vibration of the beam are studied. By applying the eigenfunction expansion method, the governing equation for the nonlinear transverse vibration of the beam transforms to a series of strongly nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Two-to-one internal resonance of the beam is studied by the numerical integration method and its phase-plane portraits are obtained. The harmonic balance method and pseudo arc length method are used to determine steady-state periodic solutions of the beam from the strongly nonlinear ODEs, and amplitude-frequency responses of the beam are determined. Effects of the external mean axial load, excitation amplitude, and damping coefficient on the amplitude-frequency response of the beam are numerically investigated. Combined effects of the external excitation amplitude and frequency on response amplitudes are also investigated. (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



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