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浙江省适龄女性三胎生育意愿探索性调查——以宁波市、绍兴市、湖州市为例     被引量:1

An Exploratory Survey on the Fertility Intention of Third-Child Birth of Childbearing Age Women in Zhejiang Province—A Case Study of Ningbo, Shaoxing and Huzhou



英文题名:An Exploratory Survey on the Fertility Intention of Third-Child Birth of Childbearing Age Women in Zhejiang Province—A Case Study of Ningbo, Shaoxing and Huzhou


机构:[1]绍兴文理学院数学系,浙江 绍兴;[2]绍兴文理学院经济统计系,浙江 绍兴






外文期刊名:Statistical and Application




外文摘要:Among the problems of China’s population structure, age structure is the most prominent. Against the background of increasing population aging in China, China began to implement the two-child policy in 2016, and then opened the three-child policy in 2021, aiming to improve the birth rate and fertility rate in China, but the fertility rate in China has not significantly increased compared with the past. In order to improve China’s fertility rate, the first thing to do is to survey people’s willingness to have three children and the factors that affect people’s fertility. This research takes 20~49 years old women of childbearing age in Shaoxing, Ningbo and Huzhou of Zhejiang province as the research object, adopts questionnaire survey method, literature research method and other research methods to analyze ACSI satisfaction of the survey data of the third child bearing intention of women of childbearing age in the three representative regions. The resulting economic pressure, physical condition and work pressure on fertility intention of childbearing age female will play a more crucial influence, countries needed to implement three child birth, education subsidies, reduce the family education expenditure, improve the service quality level of eugenic and superior nurture, perfect family vacation and insurance system to protect the legitimate rights and interests of women, and a series of related support incentives. Optimize the equitable distribution of educational resources, clarify working hours and overtime system to reduce the burden of parents;To strengthen the guidance of the right view of marriage for young people of the right age, change the wrong idea, detail policies to clarify the legitimate rights and interests that women should enjoy.



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