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等效水力隙宽和水力梯度对岩体裂隙网络非线性渗流特性的影响  ( EI收录)   被引量:2

Effects of equivalent hydraulic aperture and hydraulic gradient on nonlinear seepage properties of rock mass fracture networks



英文题名:Effects of equivalent hydraulic aperture and hydraulic gradient on nonlinear seepage properties of rock mass fracture networks








外文期刊名:Rock and Soil Mechanics


基金:This work was supported by the National Basic Research 973 Program of China (2013CB036003) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51379117, 51579239, 41427802).



外文关键词:fracture network; water permeability test; nonlinear flow; Navier-Stokes equations; critical hydraulic gradient;


外文摘要:Equivalent hydraulic aperture and hydraulic gradient are two important factors that significantly affect the permeability of rock mass fracture networks. A test model of fracture network is made and a high accuracy seepage testing system is established. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved to simulate the flow state of the fluid in the fracture network; and the influences of equivalent hydraulic aperture and hydraulic gradient on nonlinear seepage characteristics are studied. The results show that when the hydraulic gradient is smaller, the equivalent permeability holds constants, indicating that fluid flow is in the Darcy's flow region; the flow and the pressure have linear relationship and the cubic law can be selected as the governing equation of fluid flow. In contrast, when the hydraulic gradient is higher, the equivalent permeability decreases dramatically with the increment of hydraulic gradient, and fluid flow is in the strong inertia region; the flow and pressure have a strong nonlinear relationship, which can be calculated by the Forchheimer equation. As the equivalent fracture aperture increases, the critical hydraulic gradient, which is utilized to characterize the onset of nonlinear flow in fractures, will decrease following a power law function. When the hydraulic gradient is smaller than the critical hydraulic gradient, the cubic law is selected as governing equation; when the hydraulic gradient is greater than the critical hydraulic gradient, the Forchheimer equation is selected as control equation; the parameters of a and b can be calculated according to the empirical formula. This study can propose useful suggestions to the determination of critical hydraulic gradient and the selection of governing equations when calculating fluid flow in fracture networks.



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