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Thallium pollution in China and removal technologies for waters: A review  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:171


英文题名:Thallium pollution in China and removal technologies for waters: A review

作者:Liu, Juan[1];Luo, Xuwen[1];Sun, Yuqing[2];Tsang, Daniel C. W.[2];Qi, Jianying[3];Zhang, Weilong[1];Li, Nuo[1];Yin, Meiling[1];Wang, Jin[1];Lippold, Holger[4];Chen, Yongheng[1];Sheng, Guodong[5]

机构:[1]Guangzhou Univ, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Radionuclides Pollut Contr, Key Lab Water Qual & Conservat Pearl River Delta, Inst Environm Res Greater Bay,Minist Educ,Sch Env, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong, Peoples R China;[2]Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China;[3]Minist Environm Protect, South China Inst Environm Sci, Guangzhou 510655, Guangdong, Peoples R China;[4]Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Inst Ressourcenokol, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany;[5]Shaoxing Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Shaoxing 312000, Peoples R China






基金:This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41573008, 41873015, 41573119, 41773011, U1612442, 21577093 and 21777102), the Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation (2014A030313527 and 2017A030313247), the Environmental Protection Ministry of Public Welfare Research Projects (201509051), the Guangzhou University's 2017 training program for young top-notch personnel (BJ201709) and Rural Non-point Source Pollution Comprehensive Management Technology Center of Guangdong Province. The Sponsorship from the China Scholarship Council granted to Jin Wang was acknowledged. The technical assistances from Yang Wu, Xiaoxiang Yu, Wanying Zhong, Chunling Huang, Wenhui Zhang and Siyu Liu, and funds from the 16th "Challenge Cup" Undergraduate Program and Provincial Undergraduate Training Project for Innovation (201811078128) are highly acknowledged. The authors also deeply appreciate the very helpful advice and suggestions from the reviewers and editors.


外文关键词:Thallium pollution; Industrial wastewater treatment; Anthropogenic source; Nanomaterials

外文摘要:Thallium (Tl) is a typical toxic metal, which poses a great threat to human health through drinking water and the food chain (biomagnification). China has rich Tl-bearing mineral resources, which have been extensively explored and utilized, leading to release of large amounts of Tl into the environment. However, research on Tl pollution and removal techniques is relatively limited, because Tl has not been listed within the scope of environmental monitoring in China for several decades. This paper reviewed Tl pollution in wastewater arising from various industries in China, as well as the latest available methods for treating Tl-containing industrial wastewater, in order to give an outlook on effective technologies for controlling Tl pollution. Conventional physical and chemical treatment technologies are efficient at removing trace amounts of Tl, but it proved to be difficult to achieve the stringent environmental standard (<= 0.1-5 mu g/L) cost-effectively. Adsorption by using newly developed nanomaterials, and metal oxide modified polymer materials and microbial fuel cells are highly promising and expected to become next-generation technologies for remediation of Tl pollution. With the potential for greater Tl contamination in the environment under accelerated growth of industrialization, researches based on lab-scale implementation of such promising treatment technologies should be further expanded to pilot and industrial scale, ensuring environmental protection and the safety of drinking water for sustainable development. Comprehensive insights into experiences of Tl pollution in China and in-depth perspectives on new frontier technologies of Tl removal from wastewaters will also benefit other nations/regions worldwide, which are susceptible to high exposure to Tl likewise.



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