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Structural and electrical characterization of ultrathin Er2O3 films grown on Si(001) by reactive evaporation  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)   被引量:19


英文题名:Structural and electrical characterization of ultrathin Er2O3 films grown on Si(001) by reactive evaporation

作者:Fang, Z.B.[1,2]; Chen, S.[1]; Zhu, Y.Y.[1]; Wu, Y.Q.[1]; Fan, Y.L.[1]; Wang, Y.Y.[1]; Jiang, Z.M.[1]

机构:[1]Fudan Univ, Surface Phys Lab, Natl Key Lab, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China;[2]Shaoxing Univ, Dept Phys, Shaoxing 312000, Peoples R China







外文关键词:Annealing - Current density - Erbium - Film growth - Leakage currents - Permittivity - Thermodynamic stability - Transmission electron microscopy

外文摘要:Stoichiometric, amorphous, uniform Er2O3 films are deposited on Si( 001) substrates by reactive evaporation using a metallic Er source at room temperature in an oxygen ambient pressure of 9 x 10(-6) Torr. Transmission electron microscopic measurement shows that the film possesses good thermal stability and forms a sharp interface with its Si substrate after annealing at 700 degrees C for 30 min in ultrahigh vacuum. The effective dielectric constant (k) of the film is measured to be 12.6, and its effective oxide thickness (EOT) can reach 1.4 nm, with a low leakage current density of 8 x 10(-4) A cm(-2) at an electric field of 1 MV cm(-1) after annealing. The characteristics obtained indicate that ultrathin amorphous Er2O3 film could be a promising candidate for a high-k gate dielectric in Si microelectronic devices.



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