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Triaxial Mechanical Properties and Mechanism of Waterborne Polyurethane-Reinforced Road Demolition Waste as Road Bases  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:5


英文题名:Triaxial Mechanical Properties and Mechanism of Waterborne Polyurethane-Reinforced Road Demolition Waste as Road Bases

作者:Lv, Beifeng[1];Zhao, Yinuo[1];Li, Na[1];Yu, Yanfei[1];Wu, Yanting[1];Gu, Miaojie[1]

机构:[1]Shaoxing Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Shaoxing 312000, Peoples R China






基金:This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52179107), China Scholarship Council (201607910002), and International scientific and technological cooperation projects of Shaoxing University (Project No. 2019LGGH1007).


外文关键词:recycled aggregate; waterborne polyurethane; mechanical properties; reinforcement mechanism

外文摘要:The recycling and reuse of construction waste have not only effectively protected natural resources but also promoted the sustainable development of the environment. Therefore, in this article, waterborne polyurethane (WPU) as a promising new polymer reinforcement material was proposed to reinforce the road demolition waste (RDW), and the mechanical performance of WPU-reinforced RDW (named PURD) was investigated using triaxial unconsolidated and undrained shear (UU) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) tests. The results showed that under the same curing time and confining pressure, the shear strength of PURD increased with the increase in WPU content. When the WPU content was 6%, the WPU presented the best reinforcement effect on RA. The failure strain of PURD increased with the increase in confining pressure, but increased first and then reduced with the increase in WPU content. The specimens with 5% WPU content showed the best ductility. At the curing time of 7 and 28 days, the internal friction angle and cohesion of PURD increased with the increase in WPU content, and they reached a maximum when the WPU content was 6%. The internal friction angle barely budged, but the cohesion increased obviously. The enhancement effect of WPU was attributed to the spatial reticular membrane structure produced by wrapping and bonding particles with the WPU film. Microscopic analysis showed that with the increase in WPU content, the internal pore and crack size of PURD gradually decreased. As the WPU content increased, the WPU film became increasingly thicker, which increased the adhesion between WPU and RA particles and made the structure of PURD become increasingly denser.



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