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同一区域内不同经济体引进外国直接投资的竞争效应分析——以长江三角洲地区和浙江省为例     被引量:1

The Empirical Analysis on the Competition Effect of FDI Introduced by Different Kinds of Economic Players within the Same Region——Taking Yangtze River Delta Area and Zhejiang Province as the Example



英文题名:The Empirical Analysis on the Competition Effect of FDI Introduced by Different Kinds of Economic Players within the Same Region——Taking Yangtze River Delta Area and Zhejiang Province as the Example







外文期刊名:China Business and Market




外文关键词:FDI; technology spillover effects; elastic coefficient; economic growth


外文摘要:Taking the technological spillover effect of FDI Introduced by different kinds of economic players within the Yangtze River Delta Area on the output of Zhejiang province as the example,the author analyzes the competition effect of FDI introduced by different kinds of economic players within the same region.It shows that there is no clear statistic relationship between FDI introduced by Jiangsu province and the output of Zhejiang province;FDI introduced by Shanghai has the weak positive relation with the output of Zhejiang province;and FDI introduced by Zhejiang province has a weak negative relation with the output of Zhejiang province.So,the quality of FDI introduced by Zhejiang province is not very high;FDI introduced by other provinces has no obvious positive spillover effect on Zhejiang province;and the economic structural upgrading is the inevitable way for Zhejiang province to realize the economic growth.In the future,in introducing foreign investment,Zhejiang province should pay more attention not only to the increase of the amount of foreign capital,but also the quantitative control FDI;Zhejiang province should introduce more suitable FDI with high degree of association to promote the economic development and technological progress of Zhejiang province.Besides,in introducing FDI,Zhejiang province should coordinate and cooperate with Shanghai and Jiangsu province,overcome their own weak points by learning from each other's strong points,and eliminate the cut-throat competition.



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