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Analysis of Torreya grandis Seeds Quality Based on Soil Environment Survey of Ancient and New Torreya grandis Forests in Kuaiji Mountain



英文题名:Analysis of Torreya grandis Seeds Quality Based on Soil Environment Survey of Ancient and New Torreya grandis Forests in Kuaiji Mountain












外文关键词:Torreya grandis forest;Torreya grandis seed;soil environment;diversity;quality

中文摘要:研究了浙江绍兴会稽山区两处古香榧林(约千年)和一处新香榧林(25年)的土壤环境,并对两种香榧林土壤微生物群落进行比较,探讨了古香榧林和新香榧林土壤环境与产出香榧籽品质的关系。结果显示,有机质平均含量最高的为来自诸暨市的古香榧林(11. 39%),是新香榧林的3倍以上;新香榧林的土壤全氮、全磷、水解氮、速效钾和有效磷含量均显著低于古香榧林;新香榧林土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶和蛋白酶活性也均显著低于古香榧林;新香榧林土壤细菌多样性(~3. 77)低于古香榧林土壤,而真菌多样性(~3. 9)高于古香榧林土壤;新香榧林所产香榧籽果形偏圆,油脂及蛋白含量显著低于古香榧林香榧籽。相关性分析结果表明,香榧林土壤细菌多样性与其全氮、全磷、有机质以及各种土壤酶活性呈显著正相关;而其真菌多样性与土壤有机质、脲酶和蔗糖酶之间呈显著负相关;其有机质含量与香榧籽种形指数、油脂和蛋白质含量呈显著正相关。与新香榧林相比,古香榧林土壤肥力足,微生物群落多样性丰富。

外文摘要:The aim of this study is to explore the correlation between the qualities of Torreya grandis cv.‘Merrillii’seeds(T.grandis seeds) and soil Environment by analyzing the properties of T. grandis seeds and comparing the enzyme activities, nutrients and microbial communities of soils within Kuaiji Mountain ancient(~1 000 a) and new(25 a) T. grandis cv.‘Merrillii’forests. The results show that the highest average organic matter content is 11.39% in T. grandis forest from Zhuji. It is more than three times as much as that of new T. grandis forest. The contents of soil total nitrogen, total phosphorus, hydrolyze nitrogen, available potassium and effective phosphorus in the soil from new T. grandis forest are significantly lower than those from the ancient T.grandis forest. Soil urease, soil sucrase, phosphatase and soil protease activity from new T. grandis forest are also significantly lower than those from the ancient. Furthermore, the microbial diversity index indicates that the bacterial diversity from new T.grandis forest(~3.77)is lower than those from ancient. However fungal diversity from new T. grandis forest(~3.9) is higher than those from ancient. The shape of T. grandis seeds from the new forest is round slightly. The contents of oil and protein are significantly lower than those of the ancient forest. Correlation analysis shows that the bacterial diversity is positively correlated with organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and soil enzyme. But fungal diversity is negatively correlated with organic matter,soil urease and soil sucrase. A positive correlation is observed between organic matter and shape index, oil and protein content. Compared with modern T. grandis forest, the soil of ancient T. grandis forest has more fertility with better microclimate environment.



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