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Optimization of electrical performance and stability of fully solution-driven alpha-InGaZnO thin-film transistors by graphene quantum dots  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:4


英文题名:Optimization of electrical performance and stability of fully solution-driven alpha-InGaZnO thin-film transistors by graphene quantum dots

作者:Xu, Xiaofen[1];He, Gang[1];Wang, Leini[1];Wang, Wenhao[1];Jiang, Shanshan[2];Fang, Zebo[3]

机构:[1]Anhui Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Hefei 230601, Peoples R China;[2]Anhui Univ, Sch Integrat Circuits, Hefei 230601, Peoples R China;[3]Shaoxing Univ, Sch Math Informat, Shaoxing 312000, Peoples R China






基金:This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11774001) , the Anhui Project (No. Z010118169) , and the Open Fund Project of Zhejiang Engineering Research Center of MEMS in Shaoxing University (No. MEMSZ-JERC2202) .


外文关键词:Thin-film transistor; ?-InGaZnO; Graphene quantum dots; Stability

外文摘要:This work presents solution-processed high-performance graphene quantum dots (GQDs) decorated amor-phous InGaZnO (alpha-IGZO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) based on ZrOx as gate dielectrics. Compare with pure IGZO TFTs, GQDs-modified alpha-IGZO TFTs devices with optimized doping content have demonstrated better performances, including a larger field-effect mobility (mu FE) of 35.91 cm2 V -1 s -1 , a higher on/off current ratio (ION/IOFF) of 5.04 x 10 8 , a smaller subthreshold swing (SS) of 0.11 V dec-1 and a smaller interfacial trap states (Dit, 1.57 x 10 12 cm -2). Moreover, the GQDs-doped IGZO TFTs with a doping concentration of 0.5 mg ml-1 have shown excellent stability under bias stress and illumination stress conditions. To demonstrate the potential applications of alpha-IGZO TFTs in logic circuits, a resistor-loaded unipolar inverter based on GQDs-IGZO/ZrOx has been integrated, demonstrating good dynamic behavior and a high gain of 9.3. Low-frequency noise (LFN) characteristics of GQDs-IGZO/ZrOx TFTs have suggested that the fluctua-tions in mobility are the noise source. Based on all the experimental findings, it can be concluded that solution-processed GQDs-IGZO/ZrOx TFT may envision promising applications in optoelectronics.(c) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The editorial office of Journal of Materials Science & Technology.



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