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自闭症共情-系统化理论述评     被引量:6

The Pendulum Tilted to the "Truth": Empathizing-Systemizing Theory in Autism



英文题名:The Pendulum Tilted to the "Truth": Empathizing-Systemizing Theory in Autism








外文期刊名:Journal of Psychological Science





外文关键词:autism, empathizing, systemizing, "truth"


外文摘要:Empathizing - Systemizing ( E - S) theory in Autism is a newly emerging theory in the field of autism research. It is an extension of mind - blindness theory. Baron - Cohen added the defect of emotional component of empathy and the intact or even superior skill in systemizing to the mind - blindness theory so that it can describe both social and non - social feature of autism. The theory de- fined empathizing as both the drive and the ability to identify another person's mental state and to respond with appropriate emotions, and defined systemizing as the drive to analyze or construct systems. The two - factor theory proposed that people with autism had below average empathy, but average or even above average systemizing. This could explain the social features (the social and communication difficulties) with below average empathy, as well as the nonsocial features (the narrow interests, rigid behavior and island of abilities) in autism conditions with average or even above average systemizing. The theory used the notion " truth" to integrate empathizing and systemizing into one dimension. Empathizing was put on the low - end of the dimension and the systemizing high - end of the dimen- sion. That is, the theory states that there is a trade - off between empathizing and systemizing. This paper reviewed the major concepts of the E - S theory and the relationship between them, and then compared the E - S theory with other major theories, such as the executive dysfunction (ED) theory and the weak central coherence (WCC) theory. On non -so- cial feature description, the ED theory considered people with autism as perseveration that makes the individual fail to shift attention. From the WCC theory, people with autism were forever lost in the details and had never reached an understanding of the system as a whole, but the E - S theory considered the slow behaviour as being highly purposeful: it exists in order to understand a system. The E - S theory has several strengths, the most important of which is the two - factor theory that could explain both the social and nonsocial features of the condition. In addition, this theory could help to characterize the unique profile of autism spectrum conditions, especially their intact or even superior systemizing drive. The article also discussed some problems about the E - S theory. First, the empathizing was considered to be comprised of cognitive component and affective component, but the systemizing only has a cognitive component. So systemizing may only be associated with the cognitive component of the empathizing, and affective empathy deficits may be a comorbidity in autism. Second, studies had shown that when empathizing, women are affected emotionally more than men. Another study found that empathizing and systemizing traits were independent in women, but largely dependent in men. These results suggested that men were more in line with the model of cognitive component of empathizing and systemizing opposing to each other, and women' af- fective empathy would participate in the function of the model. If the sex differences exist in the mechanism of E - S, the pathogenesis of autism would have gender difference. Finally, the paper pointed out that the E - S theory lacksin evidences on the physical level, and that the physiological mechanism needs to be explored.



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