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Advancement in cellulose-based multifunctional high conductive PNIPAAm/PPy hydrogel/cotton composites for EMI shielding  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:22


英文题名:Advancement in cellulose-based multifunctional high conductive PNIPAAm/PPy hydrogel/cotton composites for EMI shielding

作者:Yu, Zhicai[1,2,3];Zhao, Yuhang[1];Liu, Jinru[1];Wang, Yushu[1];Qin, Yi[1];Zhu, Zhenyu[1];Wu, Cong[1];Peng, Jiacheng[1];He, Hualing[1]

机构:[1]Wuhan Text Univ, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Hubei Key Lab Biomass Fibers & Ecodyeing & Finish, Wuhan 430200, Peoples R China;[2]Shaoxing Univ, Key Lab Clean Dyeing & Finishing Technol Zhejiang, Shaoxing 312000, Peoples R China;[3]Wuhan Inst Technol, Hubei Key Lab Plasma Chem & Adv Mat, Wuhan 430205, Peoples R China




基金:The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Opening Project of Key Laboratory of Clean Dyeing and Finishing Technology of Zhejiang Province (QJRZ2107), Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Supramolecular Structure and Materials (sklssm2022028), Opening Project of Hubei Key Laboratory of Biomass Fibers and Eco-dyeing & Finishing (STRZ202126), and Opening Project of Hubei Key Laboratory of Plasma Chemistry and Advanced Materials.


外文关键词:Cellulose fabric; EMI shielding; Multifunctional; PPy hydrogel; Comfort regulation

外文摘要:Exploitation of cotton fabric as electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding substrates have attracted a growing interest due to their desirable low carbon footprint, economic feasibility, and sustainability. Herein, a facile strategy was proposed for preparing a cellulose-based multifunctional PNIPAAm/PPy hydrogel/cotton (PPHC) EMI shielding composites with simultaneous high-efficient electro-photothermal conversion and comfort regulation functions. The PPHC was fabricated via in situ polymerization conductive PPy hydrogel on cotton substrate followed by deposition of PNIPAAm. Benefiting from the unique interconnected three-dimensional networked conductive structure of PPy hydrogel, the obtained PPHC composites exhibited high conductivity (15 mS/cm), and EMI shielding effectiveness (EMI SE similar to 40 dB) in the frequency of 8.2-12.3 GHz. Moreover, the PNIPAAm coating endowed the composite fabrics with adjustable wettability performance in response to external temperature, leading to excellent comfort regulation performance. This work provided feasible avenue toward low cost and sustainability cotton-based EMI shielding composites with efficient EMI shielding and comfort regulation performance. [GRAPHICS] .



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