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Study of the Stress Relaxation Property of Vortex Spun Yarn in Comparison with Air-jet Spun Yarn and Ring Spun Yarn  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:20


英文题名:Study of the Stress Relaxation Property of Vortex Spun Yarn in Comparison with Air-jet Spun Yarn and Ring Spun Yarn

作者:Zou, ZhuanYong[1,2]

机构:[1]Shaoxing Univ, Coll Text & Fash, Shaoxing 312000, Peoples R China;[2]Donghua Univ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China







基金:We are grateful to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51103085) and the Shaoxing Science and Technology Plan Project of China (Grant No. 2011A21050) for their support for our research work.


外文关键词:Murata vortex spinning; vortex spun yarn; stress relaxation

外文摘要:The structure of vortex spun yarn made by the Murata vortex spinning machine is different from that of other yarns, such as ring spun yarn, air-jet spun yarn and so on. The stress relaxation model is constructed by a generalized Maxwell model connected in a row to a Hook's spring in order to predict and analyse the stress relaxation property of vortex spun yarn. Based on the stress relaxation model, the stress relaxation properties of vortex spun yarn, ring spun yarn and air-jet spun yarn are compared and analysed. The factors influencing the stress relaxation property of vortex spun yarn, such as the tensile strain, tensile rate and yarn count are discussed. The research results show that the stress relaxation model can be used for describing the stress relaxation mechanism of vortex spun yarn. The elasticity of vortex spun yarn is better than that of air-jet spun yarn, but worse than that of ring spun yarn. When the tensile strain is lower and the tensile rate is larger, vortex spun yarn has a more obvious stress relaxation phenomenon. The stress relaxation phenomenon of finer yarn is more obvious than that of coarser yarn.



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