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Composition dependence of interface control and optimization on the performance of an HfTiON gate dielectric metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:18


英文题名:Composition dependence of interface control and optimization on the performance of an HfTiON gate dielectric metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor

作者:He, G.[1];Sun, Z. Q.[1];Ma, Y. Q.[1];Wu, M. Z.[1];Liu, Y. M.[1];Shi, S. W.[1];Li, G.[1];Chen, X. S.[2];Zhang, L. D.[3];Fang, Z. B.[4]

机构:[1]Anhui Univ, Anhui Key Lab Informat Mat & Devices, Sch Phys & Mat Sci, Hefei 230039, Peoples R China;[2]Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Tech Phys, Natl Lab Infrared Phys, Shanghai 200083, Peoples R China;[3]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Solid State Phys, Anhui Key Lab Nanomat & Nanostruct, Key Lab Mat Phys, Hefei 230031, Peoples R China;[4]Shaoxing Univ, Dept Phys, Shaoxing 312000, Peoples R China






基金:This work was supported by the National Natural science Foundation of China (grant no 10804109).


外文关键词:Alignment - Charge coupled devices - Dielectric devices - Dielectric materials - Energy gap - Gate dielectrics - Hafnium compounds - High-k dielectric - Metals - Oxide semiconductors - Silicates - Silicon - X ray photoelectron spectroscopy

外文摘要:Composition dependence of interface control, band alignment and electrical properties of HfTiON/Si grown by sputtering has been studied by spectroscopy ellipsometry (SE), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrical measurement. Analysis from XPS has confirmed that the interfacial layer consisting of silicate and SiO(x) is formed unavoidably, irrespective of composition ratio. Meanwhile, reduction in band gap and asymmetric band alignment has been detected for HfTiON films with the increase in Ti composition. To meet the requirements of high-k dielectrics with the barrier height of over 1 eV, the incorporation composition ratio needs to be carefully optimized. As a result, improved C-V characteristics and reduced leakage current have been achieved from HfTiON gate dielectric MOS capacitors with optimized composition ratio of Hf:Ti = 1:1, which can be attributed to the reduction in oxygen-related traps and the obtained near-symmetric band alignment relative to Si.



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