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Secret of the Masters: Young Chess Players Show Advanced Visual Perspective Taking     被引量:4


英文题名:Secret of the Masters: Young Chess Players Show Advanced Visual Perspective Taking

作者:Gao, Qiyang[1];Chen, Wei[1];Wang, Zhenlin[2];Lin, Dan[2]

机构:[1]Shaoxing Univ, Ctr Brain Mind & Educ, Shaoxing, Peoples R China;[2]Educ Univ Hong Kong, Dept Psychol, Tel Po, Hong Kong, Peoples R China






基金:This work was supported by the Philosophy Social Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No. 18NDJC112YB), the National Social Science Foundation (No. 16CZX015), and Project of the Humanities and Social Science Research of the Ministry of Education of China (No. 17YJC880111). The funding agency was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of the data, writing of the report, nor in the decision to submit the article for publication.


外文关键词:chess; visual perspective taking; executive function; egocentric bias; altercentric bias

外文摘要:Playing chess requires perspective taking in order to consistently infer the opponent's next moves. The present study examined whether long-term chess players are more advanced in visual perspective taking tasks than their counterparts without chess training during laboratory visual perspective taking tasks. Visual perspective taking performance was assessed among 11- to 12-year-old experienced chess players (n = 15) and their counterparts without chess training (n = 15) using a dot perspective task. Participants judged their own and the avatar's visual perspective that were either consistent with each other or not. The results indicated that the chess players out-performed the non-chess players (Experiment 1), yet this advantage disappeared when the task required less executive functioning (Experiment 2). Additionally, unlike the non-chess players whose performance improved in Experiment 2 when the executive function (EF) demand was reduced, the chess players did not show better perspective taking under such condition. These findings suggested that long-term chess experience might be associated with children's more efficient perspective taking of other people's viewpoints without exhausting their cognitive resources.



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