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Synchronization performance in time-delayed random networks induced by diversity in system parameter  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:7


中文题名:Synchronization performance in time-delayed random networks induced by diversity in system parameter

英文题名:Synchronization performance in time-delayed random networks induced by diversity in system parameter

作者:Qian, Yu[1];Gao, Hongyan[1];Yao, Chenggui[2];Cui, Xiaohua[3];Ma, Jun[4,5]

机构:[1]Baoji Univ Arts & Sci, Nonlinear Res Inst, Baoji 721007, Peoples R China;[2]Shaoxing Univ, Dept Math, Shaoxing 312000, Peoples R China;[3]Beijing Normal Univ, Sch Syst Sci, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China;[4]Lanzhou Univ Technol, Dept Phys, Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, Peoples R China;[5]King Abdulaziz Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Math, NAAM Res Grp, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia







基金:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11675001, 11675112, 11775020, and 11372122).



外文关键词:synchronization; time delay; excitable homogeneous random network; diversity

中文摘要:Synchronization rhythm and oscillating in biological systems can give clues to understanding the cooperation and competition between cells under appropriate biological and physical conditions. As a result, the network setting is appreciated to detect the stability and transition of collective behaviors in a network with different connection types. In this paper, the synchronization performance in time-delayed excitable homogeneous random networks(EHRNs) induced by diversity in system parameters is investigated by calculating the synchronization parameter and plotting the spatiotemporal evolution pattern, and distinct impacts induced by parameter-diversity are detected by setting different time delays. It is found that diversity has no distinct effect on the synchronization performance in EHRNs with small time delay being considered. When time delay is increased greatly, the synchronization performance of EHRN degenerates remarkably as diversity is increased. Surprisingly, by setting a moderate time delay, appropriate parameter-diversity can promote the synchronization performance in EHRNs, and can induce the synchronization transition from the asynchronous state to the weak synchronization. Moreover, the bistability phenomenon, which contains the states of asynchronous state and weak synchronization,is observed. Particularly, it is confirmed that the parameter-diversity promoted synchronization performance in time-delayed EHRN is manifested in the enhancement of the synchronization performance of individual oscillation and the increase of the number of synchronization transitions from the asynchronous state to the weak synchronization. Finally, we have revealed that this kind of parameter-diversity promoted synchronization performance is a robust phenomenon.

外文摘要:Synchronization rhythm and oscillating in biological systems can give clues to understanding the cooperation and competition between cells under appropriate biological and physical conditions. As a result, the network setting is appreciated to detect the stability and transition of collective behaviors in a network with different connection types. In this paper, the synchronization performance in time-delayed excitable homogeneous random networks (EHRNs) induced by diversity in system parameters is investigated by calculating the synchronization parameter and plotting the spatiotemporal evolution pattern, and distinct impacts induced by parameter-diversity are detected by setting different time delays. It is found that diversity has no distinct effect on the synchronization performance in EHRNs with small time delay being considered. When time delay is increased greatly, the synchronization performance of EHRN degenerates remarkably as diversity is increased. Surprisingly, by setting a moderate time delay, appropriate parameter-diversity can promote the synchronization performance in EHRNs, and can induce the synchronization transition from the asynchronous state to the weak synchronization. Moreover, the bistability phenomenon, which contains the states of asynchronous state and weak synchronization, is observed. Particularly, it is confirmed that the parameter-diversity promoted synchronization performance in time-delayed EHRN is manifested in the enhancement of the synchronization performance of individual oscillation and the increase of the number of synchronization transitions from the asynchronous state to the weak synchronization. Finally, we have revealed that this kind of parameter-diversity promoted synchronization performance is a robust phenomenon.



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