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Resistance to the Insulin and Elevated Level of Androgen: A Major Cause of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)   被引量:32


英文题名:Resistance to the Insulin and Elevated Level of Androgen: A Major Cause of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

作者:Ding, Haigang[1,2];Zhang, Juan[1,2];Zhang, Feng[1,2];Zhang, Songou[3];Chen, Xiaozhen[3];Liang, Wenqing[4];Xie, Qiong[5]

机构:[1]Shaoxing Matern & Child Hlth Care Hosp, Dept Gynecol, Shaoxing, Peoples R China;[2]Shaoxing Univ, Obstet & Gynecol Hosp, Shaoxing, Peoples R China;[3]Shaoxing Univ, Coll Med, Shaoxing, Peoples R China;[4]Zhejiang Chinese Med Univ, Med Res Ctr, Zhoushan Hosp Tradit Chinese Med, Zhoushan, Peoples R China;[5]Zhejiang Chinese Med Univ, Dept Gynecol, Zhoushan Hosp Tradit Chinese Med, Zhoushan, Peoples R China





基金:Funding This work was supported by the Nature Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (LY18H060013 to WQL), Foundation of Zhejiang Province medical health (2015PYA012, and 2016RCA029 to WQL).


外文关键词:polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS); insulin resistance; androgen; hyper-androgenemia; endocrine disorder

外文摘要:PCOS has a wide range of negative impacts on women's health and is one of the most frequent reproductive systemic endocrine disorders. PCOS has complex characteristics and symptom heterogeneity due to the several pathways that are involved in the infection and the absence of a comm14on cause. A recent study has shown that the main etiology and endocrine aspects of PCOS are the increased level of androgen, which is also known as "hyperandrogenemia (HA)" and secondly the "insulin resistance (IR)". The major underlying cause of the polycystic ovary is these two IR and HA, by initiating the disease and its severity or duration. As a consequence, study on Pathogenesis is crucial to understand the effect of "HA" and "IR" on the pathophysiology of numerous symptoms linked to PCOS. A deep understanding of the pattern of the growth in PCOS for HA and IR can help ameliorate the condition, along with adjustments in nutrition and life, as well as the discovery of new medicinal products. However, further research is required to clarify the mutual role of IR and HA on PCOS development.



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