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Mechanical Characteristics of Lime-Treated Subgrade Soil Improved by Polypropylene Fiber and Class F Fly Ash  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:7


英文题名:Mechanical Characteristics of Lime-Treated Subgrade Soil Improved by Polypropylene Fiber and Class F Fly Ash

作者:Wang, Wei[1,2];Lv, Beifeng[1];Zhang, Chen[3];Li, Na[1];Pu, Shaoyun[1]

机构:[1]Shaoxing Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Shaoxing 312000, Peoples R China;[2]Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Singapore 117576, Singapore;[3]Southeast Univ, Sch Transportat, Nanjing 211189, Peoples R China






基金:This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52179107) and China Scholarship Council (201607910002).


外文关键词:polypropylene fiber; fly ash; lime-treated subgrade soil; mechanical characteristics; microscopic test; curve model

外文摘要:To improve the limitations of lime-treated subgrade soil (LS), a series of unconsolidated and undrained triaxial tests were conducted to investigate the improvement effect of fiber modified lime-treated soil (PLS) and fly ash modified lime-treated soil (FLS). The test results showed that (1) The deviatoric stress-strain curves of LS, PLS, and FLS were basically of the softening type. (2) The addition of fiber and fly ash improved the ductility and stiffness of LS. The ductility of PLS increased by 134% compared with LS, while the mechanical strength of FLS increased by 53%. (3) The microscopic tests showed that a denser skeleton structure was generated inside LS with the addition of fiber and fly ash. (4) The deviatoric stress-strain curves of LS, PLS, and FLS under different confining pressures were better characterized with the CES curve model. The above results indicate that fiber and fly ash can effectively improve the mechanical characteristics of lime-treated subgrade soil.



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