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  • 收录类型=SCI-EXPANDEDx
  • 人物=祝汉灿x

23 条 记 录,以下是 1-23

共1页<< <1> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Multi-Scale Context-Guided Deep Network for Automated Lesion Segmentation With Endoscopy Images of Gastrointestinal TractWang, Shuai[1];Cong, Yang[1];ZIEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS80
Dilated Dense U-Net for Infant Hippocampus Subfield SegmentationZhu, Hancan[1,2,3];Shi, Feng[4FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS29
Metric Learning for Multi-atlas based Segmentation of HippocampusZhu, Hancan[1];Cheng, Hewei[2]NEUROINFORMATICS27
An adaptive algorithm for the Thomas-Fermi equationZhu, Shengfeng[1];Zhu, Hancan[NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS19
Arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI signal denoising using robust principal component analysisZhu, Hancan[1];Zhang, Jian[2];JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS17
Investigation on the mechanisms for biotransformation of saponins to diosgeninZhu, Yuling[1,2,3];Zhu, HancanWORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY17
FCN Based Label Correction for Multi-Atlas Guided Organ SegmentationZhu, Hancan[1];Adeli, Ehsan[2]NEUROINFORMATICS12
Functional parcellation of the hippocampus by semi-supervised clustering of resting state fMRI dataCheng, Hewei[1,2,3];Zhu, HancaSCIENTIFIC REPORTS12
The convergence rate of semi-supervised regression with quadratic lossSheng, Baohuai[1];Zhu, Hancan[APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION8
Multi-atlas label fusion with random local binary pattern features: Application to hippocampus segmentationZhu, Hancan[1];Tang, Zhenyu[2]SCIENTIFIC REPORTS7
A Splitting Collocation Method for Elliptic Interface ProblemsZhu, Hancan[1];Liang, Kewei[2]NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS-THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS3
Moving Collocation Method for a Reaction-Diffusion Equation with a Traveling Heat SourceLiang, Kewei[1];Zhu, Hancan[2]NUMERICAL METHODS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS2
Deep fusion of multi-modal features for brain tumor image segmentationZhang, Guying[1];Zhou, Jia[2];HELIYON2
Patch-based local learning method for cerebral blood flow quantification with arterial spin-labeling MRIZhu, Hancan[1];He, Guanghua[2]MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING2
Deep convolutional neural network for hippocampus segmentation with boundary region refinementHe, Guanghua[1];Zhang, Guying[MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING1
Joint Neighboring Coding with a Low-Rank Constraint for Multi-Atlas Based Image SegmentationZhu, Hancan[1];He, Guanghua[2]JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND HEALTH INFORMATICS1
Patch tensor decomposition and non-local means filter-based hybrid ASL image denoisingHe, Guanghua[1];Lu, Tianzhe[1]JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS1
Variation and evolution analysis of SARS-CoV-2 using self-game sequence optimizationLiu, Ziyu[1];Shen, Yi[2];JiangFRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY0
Bloch-Type Spaces of Minimal SurfacesHe, Guanghua[1];Fu, Xi[2];Zhu,JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES0
DGCPPISP: a PPI site prediction model based on dynamic graph convolutional network and two-stage transfer learningFeng, Zijian[1,2];Huang, WeihoBMC BIOINFORMATICS0
A machine learning based method for constructing group profiles of university studentsSong, Ran[1,2];Pang, Fei[3];JiHELIYON0
DSnet: a new dual-branch network for hippocampus subfield segmentationZhu, Hancan[1,2];Cheng, WanganSCIENTIFIC REPORTS0
Editorial: Weakly supervised deep learning-based methods for brain image analysisZhu, Hancan[1];Liu, Mingxia[2,FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS0
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