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  • 人物=李红霞x

14 条 记 录,以下是 1-14

共1页<< <1> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
An effective approach for the protection of user commodity viewing privacy in e-commerce websiteWu, Zongda[1];Shen, Shigen[1];KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS132
A Basic Framework for Privacy Protection in Personalized Information Retrieval: An Effective Framework for User Privacy ProtectionWu, Zongda[1];Shen, Shigen[2];JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND END USER COMPUTING36
Mask R-CNN based automated identification and extraction of oil well sitesHe, Hongjie[1];Xu, Hongzhang[1INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION31
A Novel Weighted Ensemble Transferred U-Net Based Model (WETUM) for Postearthquake Building Damage Assessment From UAV Data: A Comparison of Deep Learning- and Machine Learning-Based ApproachesKhankeshizadeh, Ehsan[1,2];MohIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING12
Mobile Apps for COVID-19 Detection and Diagnosis for Future Pandemic Control: Multidimensional Systematic ReviewGheisari, Mehdi[1,2];GhaderzadJMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH5
Precision in mapping and assessing mangrove Biomass: Insights from the Persian Gulf coastsPirasteh, Saied[1,3];Mafi-GholINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION5
Research on energy-saving virtual machine migration algorithm for green data centerLi, Huxiong[1];Liu, Jun[2];ZhoIET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS5
Linear Transceiver Design for Multi-Tag Symbiotic Radio Systems With Max-Min FairnessFang, Zhaoxi[1];Zhou, Jing[2];IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS2
LMFLS: A new fast local multi-factor node scoring and label selection-based algorithm for community detectionLi, Huxiong[1];Nasab, Samaneh CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS1
Effect of the Type and Concentration of Salt on Production Efficiency in Smart Water Injection into Carbonate Oil Reservoir RocksLi, Huxiong[1];Razavirad, FateACS OMEGA1
A Click-Based Interactive Segmentation Network for Point CloudsSun, Wentao[1,2];Luo, Zhipeng[IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING1
Mobile Apps for COVID-19 Detection and Diagnosis for Future Pandemic Control: Multidimensional Systematic Review (vol 12, e44406, 2024)Gheisari, Mehdi[1,2];GhaderzadJMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH1
Assessing spatial-Temporal dynamics of vulnerability of protected areas in Iran to multiple environmental hazardsWang, Xiuqing[1];Mafi-Gholami,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION0
Automatic error correction: Improving annotation quality for model optimization in oil-exploration related land disturbances mappingCai, Yuwei[1,2];Hu, Bingxu[2];EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING AND SPACE SCIENCES0
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