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  • 收录类型=SCI-EXPANDEDx
  • 人物=王颖霞x

5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5

共1页<< <1> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Strength characteristics of cement-reinforced recycled aggregate modified with nano-MgO as road basesWang, Wei[1,2];Wang, Yuxiang[1CASE STUDIES IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS3
Geranylgeranylacetone Ameliorates Skin Inflammation by Regulating and Inducing Thioredoxin via the Thioredoxin Redox SystemJin, Tiancheng[1];You, Yitong[ANTIOXIDANTS2
Strength and freeze-thaw cycle resistance of cement stabilized coastal clay mixed with shell powderYing, Liangbo[1,2];Wang, YuxiaMATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS2
A Fe3O4 nanospheres/carbon core-shell structure for effective removal of pollutants from waterTao, Huaqiang[1];Wang, YuxiangJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH0
Unconfined mechanical properties and micromechanism of short-age recycled aggregate from road solid waste modified by waterborne polyurethaneZhao, Wenqin[1];Wang, Yuxiang[MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS0
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