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  • 收录类型=EIx
  • 人物=王会龙x

4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4

共1页<< <1> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Understanding technological innovation and evolution of energy storage in China: Spatial differentiation of innovations in lithium-ion battery industryWang, Huilong[1];Dai, Jie[2];WJOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE13
Fatigue Life Prognosis of Concrete Using Extended Grey Markov ModelZhu, Chao[1];Yang, Wenbing[1];APPLIED MECHANICS AND MATERIALS I, PTS 1-31
Restructuring of innovation network based on the industrial clusters in Zhejiang provinceWang, Huilong[1,2]; Wang, Shao2010 International Conference on E-Product E-Service and E-Entertainment, ICEEE20100
A research on strategic human resource management based on management mode evolution of private enterprisesWang, Huilong[1]; Ye, Guocan[12nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2010 - Proceedings0
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