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  • 收录类型=EIx
  • 人物=周长顺x

8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8

共1页<< <1> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Electrochemical Energy Storage Properties of High-Porosity Foamed CementZhou, Changshun[1];Wang, QidonMATERIALS6
Effect of graphene oxide on strength and interfacial transition zone of recycled aggregate concreteQidong, Wang[1];Changshun, ZhoMATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS6
Properties evaluation of concrete made with recycled coarse aggregate modified by graphene oxideWang, Qidong[1];Zhao, Hanbing[JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING5
Properties of magnesium phosphate cement as electrolyte for structural supercapacitorZhou Changshun[1];Wang Qidong[FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS3
Study of ultra-high-performance concrete containing multivariate supplementary cementitious materials: experiments and modelingWang, Qidong[1];Yang, Minghua[FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES2
Mechanical properties of ultra-high-performance concrete containing fiber and metakaolin and its predictive modeling studyZhou, Changshun[1];Bai, Ziyi[1FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS1
Long-lasting Caal2O4:Eu2+,Nd3+ phosphor-coupled g-C3N4 QDs composites for the round-the-clock photocatalytic methyl orange degradationZhou, Changshun[1,3]; Zhan, PeCeramics International0
Bi3+-doped Ba2Y1?xLuxNbO6:Bi3+ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) solid solution phosphors: tunable photoluminescence and application for white LEDsZhou, Changshun[1,2]; Jiang, CBulletin of Materials Science0
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