| The -dimensional Konopelchenko-Dubrovsky equation: nonlocal symmetries and interaction solutions | Ren, Bo[1];Cheng, Xue-Ping[2,3 | NONLINEAR DYNAMICS | 98 | |
| Rational solutions and their interaction solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional modified dispersive water wave equation | Ren, Bo[1,2];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2,3,4 | COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS | 95 | |
| Characteristics and interactions of solitary and lump waves of a (2+1)-dimensional coupled nonlinear partial differential equation | Ren, Bo[1];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2,3,4,5 | NONLINEAR DYNAMICS | 87 | |
| Interaction solutions for mKP equation with nonlocal symmetry reductions and CTE method | Ren, Bo[1] | PHYSICA SCRIPTA | 76 | |
| Consistent Riccati expansion and rational solutions of the Drinfel'd-Sokolov-Wilson equation | Ren, Bo[1];Lin, Ji[2];Lou, Zhi | APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS | 62 | |
| Symmetry reduction related with nonlocal symmetry for Gardner equation | Ren, Bo[1] | COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION | 61 | |
| A New Nonlinear Equation with Lump-Soliton, Lump-Periodic, and Lump-Periodic-Soliton Solutions | Ren, Bo[1];Lin, Ji[2];Lou, Zhi | COMPLEXITY | 35 | |
| Oblique propagation of ion acoustic soliton-cnoidal waves in a magnetized electron-positron-ion plasma with superthermal electrons | Wang, Jian-Yong[1];Cheng, Xue- | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS | 32 | |
| Soliton molecules, nonlocal symmetry and CRE method of the KdV equation with higher-order corrections | Ren, Bo[1];Lin, Ji[2] | PHYSICA SCRIPTA | 24 | |
| D'Alembert wave and soliton molecule of the modified Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation | Ren, Bo[1];Lin, Ji[2] | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS | 24 | |
| Interaction Behaviours Between Soliton and Cnoidal Periodic Waves for the Cubic Generalised Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation | Ren, Bo[1];Lin, Ji[2] | ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES | 22 | |
| Nonlocal Symmetry Reductions, GTE Method and Exact Solutions for Higher-Order KdV Equation | Ren Bo[1];Liu Xi-Zhong[1];Liu | COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS | 22 | |
| Nonlocal symmetry and explicit solutions for Drinfel'd-Sokolov-Wilson system | Ren, Bo[1];Lou, Zhi-Mei[1];Lia | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS | 21 | |
| Localised Nonlinear Wave Interaction in the Generalised Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation | Liu, Yaqing[1];Ren, Bo[2];Wang | EAST ASIAN JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS | 21 | |
| Soliton molecules and the CRE method in the extended mKdV equation | Ren, Bo[1];Lin, Ji[2];Liu, Pin | COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS | 20 | |
| Interaction behavior between solitons and (2+1)-dimensional CDGKS waves | Cheng, Xueping[1,2];Yang, Yunq | WAVE MOTION | 20 | |
| Rational solutions of a (2+1)-dimensional Sharma-Tasso-Olver equation | Ren, Bo[1,2];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2,3,4 | CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 20 | |
| Dynamics of a D'Alembert wave and a soliton molecule for an extended BLMP equation | Ren, Bo[1] | COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS | 19 | |
| Supersymmetric Ito equation: Bosonization and exact solutions | Ren, Bo[1];Lin, Ji[2];Yu, Jun[ | AIP ADVANCES | 16 | |
| Diversity of Interaction Solutions of a Shallow Water Wave Equation | Yu, Jian-Ping[1];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2 | COMPLEXITY | 14 | |
| Lump Solutions for Two Mixed Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff and Bogoyavlensky-Konopelchenko Equations | Ren, Bo[1,2];Ma, Wen-Xiu[2,3,4 | COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS | 14 | |
| Nonlocal Symmetries and Interaction Solutions for Potential Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation | Ren, Bo[1];Yu, Jun[1];Liu, Xi- | COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS | 13 | |
| Backlund transformations for the Burgers equation via localization of residual symmetries | Liu Xi-Zhong[1];Yu Jun[1];Ren | CHINESE PHYSICS B | 13 | |
| Bosonization, Painleve Property, and Exact Solutions for the N=1 Supersymmetric mKdV Equation | Ren, Bo[1];Yang, Jian-Rong[2]; | CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 12 | |
| Interaction solutions for supersymmetric mKdV-B equation | Ren, Bo[1] | CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 10 | |
| Exact solutions and residual symmetries of the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur system | Liu Ping[1,2];Zeng Bao-Qing[1, | CHINESE PHYSICS B | 10 | |
| Dynamics of D'Alembert wave and soliton molecule for a (2+1)-dimensional generalized breaking soliton equation | Ren, Bo[1];Chu, Peng-Cheng[2] | CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | 10 | |
| New solutions from nonlocal symmetry of the generalized fifth order KdV equation | Liu Xi-Zhong[1];Yu Jun[1];Ren | CHINESE PHYSICS B | 10 | |
| Dynamical analysis of solitary waves, lumps and interaction phenomena of a (2+1)-dimensional high-order nonlinear evolution equation | Ren, Bo[1];Lou, Zhi-Mei[1];Sun | MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B | 9 | |
| Painleve Analysis, Soliton Molecule, and Lump Solution of the Higher-Order Boussinesq Equation | Ren, Bo[1] | ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS | 9 | |