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  • 人物=李博x

230 条 记 录,以下是 1-30

共8页<< <12345678> >>每页显示条目数:
题名 作者 出处 被引量 操作
Critical hydraulic gradient for nonlinear flow through rock fracture networks: The roles of aperture, surface roughness, and number of intersectionsLiu, Richeng[1];Li, Bo[1,2];JiADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES155
A fractal model based on a new governing equation of fluid flow in fractures for characterizing hydraulic properties of rock fracture networksLiu, Richeng[1,2];Li, Bo[2,3];COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS118
Determining the maximum sampling interval in rock joint roughness measurements using Fourier seriesYong, Rui[1];Ye, Jun[1];Li, BoINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES113
Review: Mathematical expressions for estimating equivalent permeability of rock fracture networksLiu, Richeng[1,2];Li, Bo[3];JiHYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL111
Influences of hydraulic gradient, surface roughness, intersecting angle, and scale effect on nonlinear flow behavior at single fracture intersectionsLi, Bo[1,2];Liu, Richeng[2,3];JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY110
A numerical approach for assessing effects of shear on equivalent permeability and nonlinear flow characteristics of 2-D fracture networksLiu Richeng[1];Li Bo[2,3];JianADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES77
A multiple fractal model for estimating permeability of dual-porosity mediaLi, Bo[1];Liu, Richeng[2,3];JiJOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY77
Permeability Evolution of Two-Dimensional Fracture Networks During Shear Under Constant Normal Stiffness Boundary ConditionsLi, Bo[1];Bao, Ruyi[1];Wang, YROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING63
Influence of Joint Roughness on the Shear Behaviour of Fully Encapsulated Rock BoltWu, Xuezhen[1,2];Jiang, YujingROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING62
Shear-flow coupling characteristics of a three-dimensional discrete fracture network-fault model considering stress-induced aperture variationsHuang, Na[1];Liu, Richeng[2];JJOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY60
Effects of fracture surface roughness and shear displacement on geometrical and hydraulic properties of three-dimensional crossed rock fracture modelsHuang, Na[1,2,3];Liu, Richeng[ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES60
Development and application of UAV-SfM photogrammetry for quantitative characterization of rock mass discontinuitiesKong, Deheng[1];Saroglou, CharINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES57
A numerical method for simulating fluid flow through 3-D fracture networksHuang, Na[1,2,3];Jiang, YujingJOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING56
Estimation of permeability of 3-D discrete fracture networks: An alternative possibility based on trace map analysisHuang, Na[1,2];Jiang, Yujing[1ENGINEERING GEOLOGY53
An Analytical Model for Two-Order Asperity Degradation of Rock Joints Under Constant Normal Stiffness ConditionsLi, Yingchun[1,2];Wu, Wei[3];LROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING48
A novel three-dimensional discrete fracture network model for investigating the role of aperture heterogeneity on fluid flow through fractured rock massesHuang, Na[1];Jian, Yujing[2];LINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES47
Fatigue Damage Mechanism and Deformation Behaviour of Granite Under Ultrahigh-Frequency Cyclic Loading ConditionsZhou, Yu[1,2];Zhao, Dajun[2];LROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING46
Recent developments on relationships between the equivalent permeability and fractal dimension of two-dimensional rock fracture networksLiu, Richeng[1];Yu, Liyuan[1];JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING46
Effects of intersection and dead-end of fractures on nonlinear flow and particle transport in rock fracture networksLiu, Richeng[1];Jiang, Yujing[GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL45
Influence of surface roughness on fluid flow and solute transport through 3D crossed rock fracturesLi, Bo[1];Mo, Yangyang[1];Zou,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY42
Estimating permeability of porous media based on modified Hagen-Poiseuille flow in tortuous capillaries with variable lengthsLiu, Richeng[1,2];Jiang, YujinMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS37
A High-Resolution Contact Analysis of Rough-Walled Crystalline Rock Fractures Subject to Normal StressZou, Liangchao[1];Li, Bo[2];MoROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING32
A discrete-fracture-network fault model revealing permeability and aperture evolutions of a fault after earthquakesLiu, Richeng[1,2];Li, Bo[2];YuINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES26
Estimation of reinforcing effects of FRP-PCM method on degraded tunnel liningsJiang, Yujing[1,3,4];Wang, XiaSOILS AND FOUNDATIONS26
Experimental Rock Stability Assessment Using the Frozen-Thawing TestDu, Yan[1];Xie, Mo-wen[1];JianROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING25
Advances in statistical mechanics of rock masses and its engineering applicationsWu, Faquan[1];Wu, Jie[2];Bao, JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING24
A predictive model correlating permeability to two-dimensional fracture network parametersLiu, Richeng[1];Zhu, Tantan[1]BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT21
Stress-strain relationship in elastic stage of fractured rock massWu, Faquan[1];Deng, Yi[1];Wu, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY20
Experimental and numerical study on crack propagation and deformation around underground opening in jointed rock massesWang, Xiaoshan[1];Jiang, YujinGEOSCIENCES JOURNAL19
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